Why do European cities try so hard to be New World?
Do they envy us so much that they want to ruin thier historic cityscape?
Is that the same reason they import so many migrants? They envy uncle Sam?
Why do European cities try so hard to be New World?
Do they envy us so much that they want to ruin thier historic cityscape?
Is that the same reason they import so many migrants? They envy uncle Sam?
How many times do we have to tell you:
>Why do European cities try so hard to be New World?
they dont
a disgusting example of how wrong citybuilding can go when you tear down beautiful old buildings to make ugly modern ones
bad example because the french specifically put all the glass buildings in one place to avoid ruining every neighborhood
god i wish i lived in Madrid..
How is it any different from American downtowns?
Why European sky scrapers are not so high?
We have earthquake, so our buildings are all short.
but you have no earthquakes.
It's funny because America is new world but we have strict zoning rules to preserve "historic" districts
That´s pretty much the only german city with glass towers tho
I'm really sad they don't make skyscrapers with old styles. We might soon get a revival of traditionalist architecture, but we'll probably never see another art-deco skyscraper.
That's because Europe is just behind in this regard, but the trend is clear. Keep being delusional though.
Even poolacks are doing this shit. And of course Moscow and Istanbul.
we do that too
in my city you can't block out the view of the cathedral so theres a heihgt limit to buildings, and in full-on medieval cities you basically can't build at all except if your building completelly fits the city in every way
Does this look new world
>doesn't post rome
>Even poolacks are doing this shit
Warsaw isn't good example tho, it was completely razed in ww2 and then commied. Wrocław on the other hand.
>Paris is all of France!!!!!!
Skyscrappers are pretty much non existant outside of Paris and only the largest cities such as Marseille or Lyon have some but it's not even close to 1/1000th of what Paris have
since when were skyscrapers exclusive to the new world? have you not been to east asia or the gulf?
Just London really. But most European capitals do have a more modern district.
helps when the city didn't get the shit bombed out of it in WW2
should have gotten better pilots :^)
Read: should have just surrendered immediately like us :^)
>broo lö nu-world vs europe lol!!
cringe larp europoor, kill yourself you fucking nigger
La Defense is not the downtown of Paris. If you weren't a dumb chochol you would know it's actually outside of administrative Paris. It's literally a business suburb.
American cities on the other hand consist only of glass center and never ending, ugly and dystopian suburbs.
Seething Eurotrash
Lisbon is an absolute shit hole though. The streets within all those buildings are falling apart.
Yeah, but Rome is a shithole
Warsaw is the only European city that resembles an American city.
Only East Asian and Middle Eastern countries with a retarded amount of sweatshop/oil money build lots of supertall buildings
Pilots cant stop missiles.
Not Europe though
EUROPOOR COPE. there is more cultural distance within finland than between your nigger island, france, germoney and all of the nu-world combined.
>helps when the city didn't get the shit bombed out of it in WW2
London wasn't as damaged as it is thought to have been, the level of destruction is mostly exaggerated.
We're more European than you now.
Why do all
Japanese posters on Jow Forums
talk like this?
London's skyscrapers really are utter shit
yes it is
In America, downtown IS the city. It's the major focal point and representative of the city. In Europe they actually have culture and intresting things to see instead of the same thing over and over again
Not really. London is a complete shithole and I will never go there ever again because of how disappointing it was. Lisbon though, hope to go my 3rd time this Summer! Miles apart in History, Architecture, Friendliness, Safety. Everything really. London all you see is pajeets and overpriced shitty restaurants
ok, you will stop being Europe on October 31, does it really change so much?
>Norway isn't Europe
>Switzerland isn't Europe
there there edge lord
UK doesn't fit Europe. In every possible way. When I travel across Europe, everything feels European from Portugal to Norway. Not the UK though. The UK feels like its own shitty continent.
Don't reply to me you slanty-eyed insect.
Relax pajeet
Being part of the EU was the only factor that let people think of you as Europe. Norway and Switzerland embraced their Europeanness, they're proud of it, unlike the Brits who emphasize how "not European" they are every time.
Europe is continent, that's the end of it, you smelly autist.
Mm yes
I don't like London either, way too many fucking people for a city centre founded a millennium ago. I honestly don't see how you can like Lisbon so much. The castle there was the only redeeming feature.
>Europe is continent
that's why you're not Europe.
every continent has island nations
Then neither is Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, The Balearics, lots of Greek territory, etc.
Holy comfy
Most of the old City burned down in the 17th century, retard
You can still see Roman walls, Saxon churches, Tudor halls, palaces, etc
I can't deny it's not the prettiest city in the world though, in fairness
That looks incredibly bland
Putting cheese and gravy on chips is not a culture, Jean-Luc de Chong
Just because the buildings are brightly coloured doesn't make them aesthetic and/or interesting
No one would say Cubans are Americans.
not true :)
Rome is just irrelevant.
Yes. All those commieblocks are very American.
Nice reading comprehension, you dumb poleshit.