Why would anyone want to destroy this?

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White themselves

Nazism is very unamerican

why not

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whites are unamerican?

Whites aren't necessary nazis.
Nazism killed a lot of whites and I'm not even talking about jews and slavs

Anglos and Jews even tried to destroy the Chinese during the 19th century with opium. The perfidious Anglo and Jew hates competition.

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no, national socialism is unamerican

The girl and girl (male) in pic wanted to taste the BLACK BVLL


>traditional families


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Being non-white is also unamerican according to the founding fathers.

to make an omelette you need shell some eggs

>innocent aryans?

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The founding fathers were all edgy faggots with completely contradicting ideologies. Hamilton wanted a unitary state with Roman influences such as appointing dictator in times of crisis and Jefferson wanted virtually no federal government and all powers reserved to the states

Why would anyone want to destroy this?

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Because they achieve it by destroying others

The same reasons why you'd want to kill any other vermin.

If the Nazis took over the entire world then there would no longer be any need of commanders and other soldier forces since they already dominated everyone.

I don't get it either, I'd rather have this family as neighbors than any muslim.

Any nudes of the little girl?

They'd start killing each other long before they would be able to dominate all of Europe, let alone the world.

That's because you're a worthless racist piece of shit.

No the Gestapo would constantly be looking over your shoulder and looking for excuses to put people in Der Deutscher Gulag

>I could have a loving, loyal wife. 2 children, a dog, a car, a house...
>No, that's bad.
>Here have a small apartment, some lube and muhammed for free.
>That is progressive!


you have the option to choose now

Why thou? Think about it, that family looks happy and probably would help you if you're in trouble. Look at some fucking muslim instead. They'd promise to help and then steal everything you have.

You need to work for it,it's not free like your gibs mehmet

>visit Jow Forums
>euros constantly screeching at us for living in suburbs
so what is it? Are suburbs good or bad?

No you don't, we live in a society with no bounds there is literally nothing holding such a family together. If something bad happens over night it could easily break apart.
I'm just being honest, besides they are americans in that picture right?

I think they are good. Better than my small apartment. With my very loud, very violent neighbors. I swear muslims coming here to germany all lose their fucking minds at some point.
Then you work for it all your life and lose in the end anyway. Because there is literally nothing keeping families together these days. Other than a very thin layer of trust.

Why would anyone want to destroy this?

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My parents still tell me about how great the DDR was.

A woman? There are plenty of those around in every country.

>I swear muslims coming here to germany all lose their fucking minds at some point.

If only you knew

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This. Imagine how many more white Europeans and white Americans there would be if WW2 had never happened

he looks like a bleached obama

I'm just saying if the versaille treaty would've been fairer there might have never been WW2. But as it stands now the froggies needed a good, old bitch slap.

they were the least shitty communist country
honestly if the DDR reformed like China instead of collapsing they'd be dominating Europe today, way more than the modern BRD does

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go back to china

>The girl and girl (male) in pic wanted to taste the BLACK BVLL
>girl (male) in pic
Well time to watch some BLACKED kino

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Yea, that map is from today and its only like this because people from the DDR are generally much more nationalist because the DDR was so incredibly bad to live in.

Was quoting him btw hehe

Me because it's gay