How comes all of you speak flawless English on here but whenever I speak to non-Anglo/non-Scandinavians IRL it's always broken?
How comes all of you speak flawless English on here but whenever I speak to non-Anglo/non-Scandinavians IRL it's always...
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you're reading their comments, you aren't hearing anyone actually speak, asswipe fucktard no life piece of garbage fucking end your petty existence
We are the elite of europe
because you aren't speaking to them, you are typing to them, different parts of the brain actually
Typing a language is easier than speaking it
Besides, their terrible accents and audible lack of confidence is cute!
>how come real people are different than disgusting shut-in subhumans
rly makes a make think desu senpai
Were you dropped when you were a baby?
Different linguistic competences.
i don't know, what do you think, you retarded down syndrome piece of trash?
Performance anxiety. We Scandinavian people are used to English but most people ain't.
>Swedes aren't Scandinavian
I suppose you could be a Somali, Arab or Pole.
normies are pathetic brainlets, what's new
did you reply to the wrong user, retard? i haven't said anything about swedes
Just lazy foreigners not bothering to learn our language properly
>people frequently posting on english speaking anime imageboards are better at english than people living a normie life and barely ever using the language
Really makes you think.
>tfw I live next door to a American diner and everyone speaks English inside because it's always packed with tourists in the summer
Cringe as fuck but at least I'm used to speaking the language.
because there is more time for redaction and you conflate having an accent with bad command of the language
American 50's diner ?
Do they chase all the coloreds out with dogs and fire hoses?
Will visit !
Are the shakes and burgers any good?
we're just that good
They are actually really damn good. It's the reason I eat there a lot. The burgers are freshly made in house (no frozen crap) and they make the sauces etc them self as well. 10/10.
The shakes comes in like 15 different tastes.
People on Jow Forums probably started going online way earlier than other kids and have had more practice
I unironicamly began learning english so that i could play runescape, so it became a ”essential” thing for me pretty early on
A lot of kids have similar stuff where they just spend a lot of time around english and they naturally pick it up
What they said, but also remember google translate has gotten pretty good. I know some brazilian posters will run a post through a translator sometimes to smooth out any kinks.
I forced my self to learn English so I could read fantasy books that wasn't available in Swedish kek.
>I unironicamly began learning english so that i could play runescape
Selling shit on runescape is the reason I can type so quickly
I learned english by playing pokémon
this explains some of it, it doesn't help that people, speak they English well or not, are mean towards learners. accent shaming is also a thing