How comes all of you speak flawless English on here but whenever I speak to non-Anglo/non-Scandinavians IRL it's always...

How comes all of you speak flawless English on here but whenever I speak to non-Anglo/non-Scandinavians IRL it's always broken?

Attached: 8.jpg (656x245, 24K)

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you're reading their comments, you aren't hearing anyone actually speak, asswipe fucktard no life piece of garbage fucking end your petty existence

We are the elite of europe

because you aren't speaking to them, you are typing to them, different parts of the brain actually

Typing a language is easier than speaking it
Besides, their terrible accents and audible lack of confidence is cute!


>how come real people are different than disgusting shut-in subhumans
rly makes a make think desu senpai

Were you dropped when you were a baby?

Different linguistic competences.