>your cunt
>do you still live with your parents?


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Other urls found in this thread:


>yes and will live with them till they die and the house becomes mine

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i want to live by myself, mum, i'm a big boy now

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yep, shit sucks but I'd have to move super far away to be able to afford to live alone

>tfw mom wants you to stay
>tfw you will be mommas boy forever

1. Flag
2. Yes
Moving in May tho

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I'd be mostly okay with this scenario but my dad is an autistic drunk that's often a pain in the ass to live with.

No they live with ME.

>tfw parents undermine your ability to move out laughing and saying dumb shit like "where will you go? look your brother had a gf and stuff he's building a family you can't live on your own"

>tfw 24 and lives mother
>have no ambitions and will be a wagecuck forever
what's th fastest way to kys?

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slavic mama wants her little baby forever uwu

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Ahh the beauty of polish parenting, trying to break their children into submission because of the emotional trauma they suffered from communist upbringing

I-I'm going to do whatever I want mom! I'm a big boy now and I will go!

>breakfast my little angel! you must eat to be big and strong so you can help me with chores around the house :3

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Yes but voluntarily

I moved back to my hometown when an opportunity arose and sponge off my parents to save for my own future

Why do so many Euros still live with their parents after finishing high school?

Matura w tym roku

people want to enjoy their youth and not be slave straight outta school


I used to experience that shit as well. Now I’m on my way to a new life. Best wishes to you, Pole-user.

>Polish parenting
So, millions of my countrymen are actually Polish, according to this.

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you can't escape. she needs you. you know this. just give in. she worked so hard to raise you.

I can't even kill myself because my mother would be sad, let alone move out.

>we are well known to be the best mothers in the world!
>t. Russian women

I am not a slavic woman, I am an American male. I am simply speaking the truth about how hard the slavic woman works day and night to care for you

2. Yeah,a psychiatrist diagnosed me with asperger syndrome, so I'm staying for a while.

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I have to move out soon because my dad only started making decent money recently and we've been living in a 40 square meters two bedrooms flat before that, there would be no problem with it except they made each other a third kid and it's either we move or I move.
Fucking shitty too since we earn way more money than a typical village 40 Square meter flat dweller but still have to stay here because of reasons

No, but I'm a 22 year old boomer

I didn’t try to tell you are a Slavic woman. You just misunderstood me, probably because of my quoting, sorry. I intended to tell you are actually right with your “typical Slavic mom” posts.

Isn't entire purpose of parenting to provide for children until they are strong enough to go into the world on their own?

oh lmao I was just fucking around. what are russian moms like?

Youre gay

>what are russian moms like?
Pretty much like this


for you

wow, they are champions of womankind. a cheer for slavic mothers
