My ass

my ass

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Would sniff

imagine the gravitational pull...

The black hole reveal was kinda anticlimatic because it looks exactly like we thought it would. But at the same time it's cool that we can accurately predict what something looks like despite having never seen it.

It's like this one time when Charles Darwin predicted the existence of the Xanthopan moth in Madagascar more than 40 years before it was discovered.
Madagascar is home to a particular species of orchid whose nectar is hidden at the bottom of a very long, thin spur. On the basis of his theory of evolution through natural selection, Darwin speculated that the flower was pollinated by a then undiscovered moth with a proboscis long enough to reach the nectar at the bottom of the spur. No one had ever seen such an insect there, and for some time after Darwin's 1862 prediction, the notion of a pollinator with a foot-long proboscis was ridiculed and generally not believed to exist.
But in 1903, 21 years after his death, Darwin was proven right. A huge hawk moth with a 35cm long proboscis was discovered in Madagascar. It was attracted by the orchid's scent and pollinated the flower with its long proboscis - just as Darwin expected it would.

Speculative biology is badass.

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my spirit animal

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Literally only incels are saying this

Black holes are astronomy and theoretical/practical physics though


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a danish ass has accumulated so much mass that it has turned into a black hole
colour me surprised.

and my axe

You're Danish.

>You're danish

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and my bow

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imagine what you could do with a tongue like that

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It's okay. Danes are cool.

You're right that they're cool, but Denmark-Norway stopped existing 205 years ago.
>muh language
Bokmål is based on Danish and has over time received heavy "Norwegianization" when compared to what it used to be in the 1850s.

205 years isn't that long. You're just a group of danish subspecies.


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are you a boy?

We' re your shit.