If you've never been at war with the United States, you aren't a real country

If you've never been at war with the United States, you aren't a real country.

Attached: Countries America Has Been At War With.png (1357x628, 45K)

feels good man (?)

What did Senegal and Sierra Leone even do?
Joining Liberian resistance fighters?

i dont think world war 1 and 2 count user...

Painting random countries, are we?

Attached: 1423538352800.jpg (650x400, 212K)

Bro we literally bombed your barracks

Part of the British Empire during a war.

When was belarus at war with america

Which one? Why are the other ex-colonies not red?

>Barbary Coast War, was the first of two Barbary Wars, in which the United States and Sweden fought against the four North African states known collectively as the "Barbary States".

But we did. And we lost...?

Attached: 874.jpg (240x193, 16K)

Bullshit map. We were directly supporting the Vietcong with our troops.

>North Korea

We won a Proxy war against US.

Attached: file.png (319x757, 147K)


u was a british colony, probably. 1812

War of 1812, the Brits only had a bit of Africa at the time.

Then that would mean Norway would've been an enemy of the US too because Germany conquered it.

Barbary Wars were in Algeria and Tunisia and Libya, not Morocco


Attached: dumbhere.jpg (720x540, 25K)

OPs map sucks.

No, Norway was conquered territory, Australia was an actual settled colony.

what war was finland in? 2nd ww doesnt count, cause finland only ever fought with USSR