Cowboys and Indians
reminds me of that bit in blood meridian
Josh King
Ah yes such a classic Norwegian name
cast the first stone janny
which bit
hmm yes mccarthy
the indian attack in like chapter 4 or 5
will occasionally put something up my bum when having a wank, as a treat
maybe 1 in 15
The weekend approaches
Never did read it tbqh
roast me
why does mboko hate mccarthy
What exactly is wrong with women?
so much more attractive
inside the moral kiosk
/wsg/ has been absolute shite lately
Just ate three rounds of French toast drenched in butter and maple syrup. Feel like a Yank.
Blood medium? Never heard of it mate
Just today and tommorow fellow toilsman
Then we rest our feet and enjoy our paychecks
they never topped that album
That image is offensive
better top it off with a whipped cream eclair and a choccie milkshake
this mortal toil - song to the toilberg
Because mboko is jealous of the ascended tismomick
just billed a zoot
they got no sense, nonce sense
What's the best Simpsons season? I can't decide.
it's illegal to carry out punitive measures against them these days so they're completely out of control
>work safe gif
here you go boss
the one where homer plants tobacco tomatoes
me after having sex
Women really do have weaker nonce-sense, that's why so many of them are fag hags.
Their heckles get raised more by incels who are attracted to them, since they don't want those genes in them.
Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to never was there, and where you are is no good unless you can get away from it
the stranglers - toiler (on the sea)
I’m a good person
I deserve a gf
Looking forward to marrying some zoomeress who doesn't know what 9/11 is
probably like...4 or 5
ok roastie
have sex
>tfw I tried to make a point of watching/rewatching every episode starting from season 1 all the way through
>tfw I got bored after like 6 episodes
I'll come back to it, I'm sure. Maybe I should have started with season 3 or something.
new helmet lads
The Greeks knew it, The Carthaginians knew it...and now you know it.
fucking hell just found out this tune is in sleeping dogs
might replay it
*chucks my Saab car keys on the table*
alri, I'll 'ave a lager
Anyone, male or female who is over 16 years and still a virgin should be euthanised.
Instantly had the chorus of this song stuck in my head before I even clicked on the thumbnail.
I've never actually seen the film that it's the soundtrack for though. Is it any good?
It's not the sort of thing you can watch all in one go. It's best when you watch an episode a day, preferably on BBC2 at 6:00
Imagine if man got decapitated in an accident lmaooo bro
And I always find, yeah I always find somethin' wrong
You been puttin' up wit' my shit just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
Let's have a toast for the douche bags
Let's have a toast for the assholes
Let's have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast for the jerk offs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
something a little queer about any englishman who likes france
People in Austria have heard of him?
lol, yeah the movie is perfect 80's buddy cop kino, and the song terrifically catchy
Irish is now the FOURTH most spoken language in Ireland behind English, Polish and Romanian
the gf is irish. i will do my part to spread your genes
What will you do when we exit the EU at 11:00pm on the 31st of October 2019?
Well, in our place, we'll crack open a bottle of the finest Sussex bubbly to celebrate, and we'll look forward to a brilliant future ahead of us for our country.
yeah, he's known as Sturmzy here
Those crazy cultists!
no one has convinced me that there's anything wrong with women
oh no what will they do without the niggy music
No you wont.
You're not going to leave.
Season 1 is very weak and "schmaltzy", like they were back when some semblance of American boomer conservatism was the norm. It's also a lot closer to generic sitcoms in plotlines.
Season 2 is similar but the show is undeniably in the groove by 3.
der Sturmzie
read out "racially profiled by security" is an australian accent but then I realised that I was misreading the fucking headline weren't I?
Making a big corn fritter in the oven lads
>Pictured: German boyfriend arrested over the death of British woman, 22, during 'sex game gone wrong' in their Swiss hotel room after they were heard 'arguing at 3am'
wishful thinking
we're leaving pad get over it
I'm going to sit back and watch brexit get extended again.
it's ze germans, you zee
*goes on to rap about various criminal activities*
>For your security, please ensure your password has at least 8 characters with 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 number, 1 special character and no repeating characters.
my mates at that festival
Have found out a method to make £70-£100 a day sitting down on your arse. No, I won't tell you the methid so don't ask.
despise that shite
reparations for dresden
Fuck me. I bet the top image has got a lot of liberals utterly seething.
hypothesis: women who are both very short and very smart are also, by nature, evil
Jesus just imagine it must have been like forcing a fire extinguisher into a letter box.
*blocks your path*
Whats that icelandic song about anal sex(iirc) that everybody used to spam on Jow Forums?
>he's one of the most highly respected people in grime
no he's not lol, he's just seen as a stepping stone and give authenticity to other up and coming artists.
>has mainstream recognition
once again, no he doesn't lol, the raves i've seen him in, he literally empties out a room, having a few million views on SBTV doesn't make him mainstream
>most raves he performs at he's probably the most famous guy in the room
not hard considering raves reject the mainstream, anyways point above is still relevant
>that being said when i seen him live he only performed his tunes and didn't actually spit bars which was quite disappointing
yeah this is the problem with him, he's tripping on his own self importance and thinks he's above drum and bass even though he insists on being in the scene. I can understand why he doesn't want to MC DnB because lets be honest, Gaz from down the pub can do that. D double E is above that (he's still not mainstream), but the problem is though it's just incredibly awkward when he thinks people pinging their nut off want to listen to grime and that...
you can easily tell which episodes were written by the original team or guests
Am I supposed to know who these people are?
>my mates
he a boxer or something why's he doing the boxer thing
the mania is setting in lads.
code lad
and who's this then?