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2. Vice City or San Andreas?

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Vice City of course

Vice City is kinda comfy, hits close to home
San Andreas felt more like a big sandbox game
My vote goes to Vice City

damn right
did you listen to Fever as well?

San Andreas by far

san andreas

SA was great but there was too much grinding

Vice City

Vice of course, but only by a little bit, San Andreas is amazing aswell

vice city

I'm more of a Wave 103 kinda person.

not too shabby

San Andreas was a better game but I played VC more (because it came out before).



Vice City was my first GTA, I played on PC, but I'll choose SA. It's simply too great.
Will they ever release a new Chinatown Wars?

I miss my Japanese boy bros...

vice city

San Andreas, it has a lot of kek worthy mods

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Gta 5

Gta 3
Every "san andreas" in the thread is +1 to the zoomer counter on Jow Forums

Vice City.

Why did they stop with the option of you buying clubs, stores, car shops, having your gang and what not?

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san andreas was a better game but vice city had the best atmosphere by far