Just who does he think he is?
How dare Americans threaten us, when we're the only real allies they ever had on this shitstain planet? The insolence! Europeans built America. Without us you'd be nothing.
Trump is threatening Europe again
you'd all be speaking Russian if we didn't exist
cringe when lesser europeans speak as if they were germans or french, countries that actually matter in the EU
We would happily live in our kingdom, if you didn't exist, you subhuman Anglo scum.
Trump doesn't give two shits about Europe. All of his tweets are aimed at his American voter base.
Does he realize the UK could have already been out of the EU two weeks ago already but they keep extending their time of exit? How is that the EU's fault?
Clearly not.
>*jungle monkey sounds*
>you'd all be speaking Russian
Literally nothing wrong with that, even though it's just your red scare fantasy.
Trump is a boomer with early onstage alzheimers, of course he doesn't realize. He doesn't even listen to his cabinet members
I've met a lot of Poles who hated living under the USSR.