Why is new world food so superior to old world

Why is new world food so superior to old world
Chocolate, vanilla, tomatoes, strawberries, blue berries, corn, peppers and potatoes
The old world, especially Europe had what, bread, cabbage, carrots, and apples were as good as it got. How depressing must that have been never having all of the best food.

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Get rekt.

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We have much more than just that tho

they got thai resturants in the capital of Mali, must be good food if even africans like it

When were you last in Mali? What a random ass country.

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This so much. Pizza, empanadas, asado, milanesas, ravioles among other classics of Argentinian cuisine are miles better than yuropoor food like snails, moldy cheese or whatever they eat over there.

Based Amerindian food



i find it hard to believe that tomatoes are a new world food, most med dishes now adays incorporate tomatoes

but yea OP is cherry-picking mentioning gross ass nordic old world dishes, when you could be mentioning old world food from med, mena, east asia and even india (i dont like their food but I recogonize their importance to the art of culinary with the spices that they use)


Europe dish is shit, I agree. Even American pizza is far better than Italian pizza.

You're right, they have dates and pomegranates too, I guess watermelons, but they were nothing like modern watermelons
Nearly every modern European food incorporates new world foods because they are better. Most people ate just plain bred with separate cheese for millennia until food from the new world came over

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Because most of Europe was a cold infertile shithole. The staple was meat.

>passing off every kind of bread as just "bread"

Don't disrespect the carrot!

>Why is new world so superior to old world
Fixed that for you
Fuck Europeans and fuck Europe

>I guess watermelons, but they were nothing like modern watermelons

modern watermelons existed for a long time.

They were mostly rind until 200 or so years ago

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Vanilla is from Asia, all berries were here too, cocoa in africa, and peppers here too. Except the kind of "hot" "peppers" that have mejicanos farting and smelling like mejicanos. Also corn is shit, the kind of shit you feed the pigs and cows.

It's just potato and tomato, desu. And cane sugar, don't forget that.

Based and redpilled.

But muh Paleo *eats plants and animals that have been existing "for a long time", i.e. 200, 100 or even 50 years*.

Right? Strwaberries and Bluebarries are from America? fucking redard

blueberries and strawberries?
they're native to Europe

>Vanilla is from Asia
>cocoa in africa

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