Mongolians are based and cool as fuck though

Mongolians are based and cool as fuck though

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Why are mongolians so chad compared to all other asians?

Because the rest have the worst invention humans ever came up with: civilization

too bad they live in hut like african LMAO

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i wish manchus were still active so they can genocide more mongols like in dzungar genocide

You still there buddy or did you get sent to a labour camp?

hes posting on other threads
the copypasta doesnt work

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Fuck off dicklet


My ancestors:)

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>mounts a horse and blasts you with arrows
Based and mongolpilled


My ancestors (:

I want to visit your wonderful country but it's ridiculously expensive to fly there. How badly will I get jewed when I actually get to UB? I want to spend a couple of days in the city but then I want to spend the rest of my time hiking, fishing, camping, and meeting the rural folks.

pretty sure flying to ulaanbatar is the same price as flying to any other city in asia, or you can just take a bus from inner mongolia.

>an american telling me about the cost of flying

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>then I want to spend the rest of my time hiking, fishing, camping, and meeting the rural folks
How would this go? Are they friendly?
I always imagine them as scary and hate foreigners and will probably cut your dick off and feed it to their horse or something
>Had to do about 6 captchas to make this post

I've heard that they are friendly and will invite you into their yurts for a drink of vodka or fermented goat milk, possibly a meal. Of course I would offer shekels or gifts.

Based and harmoniouspilled

>Mongolians are based and cool as fuck though

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I like Mongol girls

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>only relevant for about a century
>dabbed on for the rest of history
>Mongolians are based and cool as fuck though

i dont know why mongol are so popular on this forum. they are uncivilized.

t. mongol

t. southern subhuman
can't compete with us northern BVLLS

Because le based Genghis. This site is basically reddit 2.0 no matter how much they try to pretend they're not.

i have manchu gf from singapore


Lol typical Chinese fuckbrain logic haha

they have birds and cool outfits

Friend of mine told me the people are quite rude, prone to violence, and always drunk

UB is a dangerous shithole, you’ll be fucked enough if you are dumb and alone.
t. been there for a month

she's actually cute

A single if flawed democracy surrounded by autocratic tyranies. That makes the country fairly interesting to me as I would like to know why aren’t they ruled by postcommie ex-secret service autocrat.

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