Speak english or leave america

speak english or leave america

that is all

Attached: 0nbz56jquzp21.jpg (882x757, 42K)

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Why is his head so big compared to the rest of his body?

He's 5 foot


Steve "no one can stop him" Bonnell II

does Florida count in US? Spanish speakers are comparably increasing as much as English speaker in its state

daily reminder he has never lost a debate

What will you do when Spanish becomes the main language of the US?

He has never read a book either
he's proof all you need is Wikipedia and Youtube to be a intellectural

Why do white Americans not want to be bilingual or trilingual?


big brain needed to defend child porn

>shy about speaking in English on camera
Ayyy caramba

based man

>go to Mexican restaurant to complain about Mexicans in the US

I've only set foot in America for a week so far, and I speak much better English than any South/Central American waitress. I don't get it, most of them have been there their whole lives, and yet they have a really thick Spanish accent.

probably because they all spend their time with spanish speaking people who mooch off american economy while you just had a genuine interest in the country

low iq

old habits die hard I guess

they literally don't bother learning english. talk about true brainlets

fuck off fatty
when I will come to America i will gonna speak exculusively in Spanish.

His debates aren't really meant to be won or lost. They amount to nothing but obnoxious point-scoring for clips. No one involved, audience included, ever really ends up thinking about or developing their positions.

This whole online debate thing is such so obnoxious.

northern euros have better english than white americans

>cp bad

Attached: npc-meme-1024x512.jpg (1024x512, 29K)

you think south americans are bad?
listen to this (self-professed) 130 IQ greek woman's english

>fake blond
>saggy tits
>ugly accent
>self professed

who the fk does this slutty dressed obnoxious whore think she is

Speak correct (british) English then

she's a goddess and she's removing β "men" from the gene pool

it grows slightly every time he wins a debate

How about fuck no.

Attached: Monmouth-1.jpg (1200x861, 326K)


what about beta women?

fuck no

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literally half their population is delinquent spanish speakers that mooch off gibs

there's no such thing