OK Kim and Watanabe. It’s time to let bygones be bygones

OK Kim and Watanabe. It’s time to let bygones be bygones.

Are u ready to shake hands and be friends now?

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We are friends already.

Let's be frens, Ng.

wE aRE fRIEnDs aLReaDy

Fuck off, vietnamese and any SEA monkeys. You are worse than korean and chinese

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man, what a dick
you really deserved that nuclear bombing

Attached: no regrets for the nuke.png (913x940, 248K)


Vietnamese crimes in here are skyrokected. Dont come here

Me and Korea

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That doesnt make you white.

>That doesnt make you white.

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Bọn Man rợ

korea-japan rivalry is Jow Forums meme
japanese love kpop
korean love anime


My thoughts are with you.
suppose Asian ppl aren't human but ants.
Please guess our mind from Anime.

proxy man.from?

Don't fucking even cry monkey shit.

hey be nice

English teaching is a subhuman ‘career’

KYS, diaspora. I know you're the Chink living Portugal. We should have supported their war effort and wiped out the Chinese once and for alll.

not sure if nip proxy or simple weeaboo faggot
either way uncle Sam will slap you you dirty little jap

Attached: slap the dirty little jap.jpg (900x1192, 377K)

I hope so. I wish we get along with.But I think its impossible. Especially 20s girls are really anti-Japanese and they get mad at every single minor things. Its sad

Have sex incel.

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Please continue to do that,
It's a destiny Both 3 gona destroy each other and discount EastAsia.