Weekly wholesome thread!

Just like last week!
This is a post you reply to if you want to meet fellow anons from around the world, or to have a respectful discussion about nations/languages/culture!
I've noticed that Jow Forums has become more divisive, we now have threads for one nation exclusively, and honestly, being nice to fellow anons and having respectful conversations with anons from every country is just so much better!
Curious about a nation/their culture? Ask!
Need someone native to help you learn a language? Ask!
Want to teach other anons something about your nation/culture? Go ahead!
please, no bigots, no slurs just friendly conversation!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice to see you again! Also I'd like to mention I find the letter Њ pretty aesthetical.

Oh hey Estonian bro! Nice to see you again too! And yeah Њ looks pretty nice, but I prefer Ж tbqh!

duck are nice

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thanks, user, very cool!

What have you been up to this week?
I visited three fairs/farmers' markets. At no extra expense in fact, since intercity buses in my county were made free (for now).

I've been mostly reading steppenwolf and I've been trying to learn some Hungarian poetry by heart! I mostly studied though, so I didn't have a lot of free time to do that, but it's been a pretty nice week so far! And I actually knew that intercity buses were free in Estonia and I actually admired Estonia for that for quite a while! I wish my buses were free :(

Had a bretti nice birthday today laddies, went out with the parents and bought some clothes and got fish and chips on the way back

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Does wholesome int watch Game of thrones?

Oh heck yeah! Family hang outs are the best, especially when you have siblings!!

Postaj stopala dušice

Not hyped at all for season 8 though. Found a much cooler new series. Still going to watch Season 8 for the sake that I've seen every other season.

i started my book! :)

What’s your book about?

which book is that?

Not across the whole country.
For now some counties abstained from the experiment, fearing it'll cost the taxpayers too much and many taxpayers themselves are wary.
Plus ever since more people started taking advantage of these rides, certain routes have turned into "sardine cans on wheels", packed to the brim with people. I honestly feel sorry for the towns midway between major destinations, making you stand which ever way you want to go from there.
I've also noticed a few too many drunks onboard lately...

what is weird about that? Our rides are mostly super packed lol

Happy birthday, GB.

>For now some counties abstained from the experiment
Those run by a single political party.

Sounds like a comfy birthday fren glad it was good

Haha, well, it used to be less the case before, I guess.
Something to complain about. :)

Shoot! I haven't read the 'birthday' part! Happy Birthday, user!!! Wish you all the best!! :)

Yeah, I get it, it's a pain in the.. toe... :)

Good evening, frens

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Good evening French bro!

it's the book i'm writing

alternative future history

Are you a professional writer, or is it only a hobby so far?

Oh heck yeah! Tell us more user!

bros what is the best way to pet a rabbit

thanks lad
thanks man, was a comfy day
thank you!

i dont wanna futuredox myself so i'll just say it's scifi and involves zee internet

Feed them bunny snaccs and don't put your hand under their head or directly in front of them! Pet them on their head and please be gentle!

Well, good luck user! I'm sure it'll turn out great!

Daj ubij se ili makar prestani da praviš ove krindž tredove.

Fuck this r*ddit shit

Happy birthday btw m8, enjoy being with the family while you can!
Nice. How much time do you intend spending on writing in a typical week? How "long" do you think your book will be?

Cat on the lap

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Keep these threads going user I like them

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>i dont wanna futuredox myself
No one will ever care about your shitty book anyway.

Cтвapнo нeмa пoтpeбe дa бyдeш тoликo нeљyбaзaн! У peдy јe aкo ти ce нe cвиђaјy мoји тpeдoви, aли имa здpaвијих нaчинa дa избaциш тe фpycтpaцијe из ceбe! Cpeћнo aнoнe!

This is a no bully zone

Heck yeah!!! I like making 'em!!

Feel free to vent about what's bothering you so deeply, user!

On a recent journey I witnessed a class reunion of sorts. Some students met a teacher of theirs who retired recently. They were all well-behaved talking about their hardships with algebra while the ex-teacher mentioned how she can sleep in in the morning now.
It was cute.

Nabijem te na kurac.
Die a painful death, subhuman.

бpaвo цигaнe

My mikrobiology teacher and I have made such a wholesome bond, every week after class we tell jokes to each other and laugh a bit, she's super kind to me! Wish she was as kind to other kids, though!

Bravo tebi što si uspeo da napraviš najkrindžaviji konac na ovoj čitavoj smrdljivoj dasci.

That´s what I´m doing haha, I watched Click recently and that scene with his dad really got to me so I've been trying to spend more time with them desu

Ah fuck y'all you poofta cunts

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>wholesome thread
Just imagine how much of a fucking cocksucking faggot you need to be to even come up with something like that. Like Jesus Christ, I really hope that you're a woman.

Come visit some day, mate :^)

Attached: Muhu ostrich farm.jpg (685x410, 70K)

No one wants to visit your shithole of a country.

пoд јeдaн ниcaм гa јa нaпpaвиo, пoд двa нaјкpинџaвијe нa oвoј дacци cy твoји кoмeнтapи y oвoм кoнцy. aкo ти ce нe cвиђa, зaтвopи тaб. чeмy гyзoбoл?

>Come visit some day, mate :^)
Fuck off mate

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>shithole of a country.
>Lives in Serboa
Also, don't listen to him, I want to visit Estonia!!


тo бpe aнoнe peци мy!!!

>Nice. How much time do you intend spending on writing in a typical week?
not a lot.
>How "long" do you think your book will be?
idk, i'm mostly writing it for fun and practice so i don't have a target

>нaјкpинџaвијe нa oвoј дacци
Majmune, ne znaš ni maternji jezik da govoriš, daj ćuti bre tu i idi uči padeže.
I don't live in Serbia, fortunately.

Gotta love that aussie slang. You too!

I've just learned that Finland loves Aku Ankka

Stfu you faggoty cunt before I shove a didgeridoo up your faggoty ass

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This was a most pleasant conversation

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What are you guys listening to?


Wholesome conservation

Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.


Some Anathema live in Plovdiv. wby?

youtu.be/zE7Pwgl6sLA I'm listening to my favourite item number :)

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Handsome cat

nice thread OP

shit thread, OP.
What an uglyass cat, hope it gets stabbed or poisoned.

Thank you, German bro! Hope you have a nice week!

I like the second one so far!!!


I really like it!! Damn, might continue to listen to Anathema after this!

I'm listening to this!

gonna be my first week of Uni, just moved to a new city last monday
Hope you have a good week too

what are you studying??
Hope the new city treats you well and you make loads of friends!!

I've always liked Yves Montand's voice. Though french chanson gets old pretty fast imo.
Well if you didn't know Anathema, they began close to doom metal, and now they're more into atmospheric rock. I really like their "Judgement" album, extremely beautiful and emotional.


I'm a little worried about whether I'll be able to put up with all the stuff to learn but I'll see..
thanks again for the kind words

I like doom a lot! Though I'm mostly listening to French chansons atm, mostly Edith Piaf, I love her so much!!! I've seen a movie about her a few weeks ago!!

Good luck for your studies. Is there a high success rate for them in Germany? In France medical studies are famous for being among the most difficult

I actually have pharmacology as a subject here in nurse school, I find it really interesting!! Good luck, but I'm sure you'll do just fine!!

I don't enjoy Piaf much tbqh. But I do dig doom a lot too.

I began listening to the albums from this channel during work ever since I began my PhD. It's mostly stoner, but it's a nice way to discover new bands

places for medicine and pharmacy to a lesser degree are limited here, you can only get in with very good high school grades (I wasn't accepted for medicine so picked pharmacy :| )
So the dropout rates aren't so high because "bad" students don't get admitted in the first place
pharmacology in detail only comes after two years in my course
first we get four semesters of chemistry, maths, physics, and the basics of phaemacy
I actually thought about becoming a nurse or paramedic too, but I haven't yet given up on Uni

Oh heck yeah!! I know that channel, I'm subscribed for quite a while
what was your PhD in?

I'm only in high school for nurses, I plan on going to study Treatment and prevention of behavioral disorders on the uni of defectology here, then maybe getting my PhD abroad, though I'm thinking about switching to medicine since defectologists aren't paid very well....

But stick to uni!! I'm sure you won't regret it!!

Oh the situation seems to be a bit better than what's happening here. We basically have a success rate of less than 20%, because the amount of spots is very limited. It's so fucked up than a large amount of French students go to Romania to get their diploma and then come back.
Anyways keep your cool, I'm sure you can make it!

It's physics, materials actually. I'm mostly doing numerical simulations, but I also have a fait amount of experiments and theory, os that's interesting.

this is wholesome thread please no use of h*ck or fr*ck please be honest and good to animals thank you

Good luck on your PhD, Franon!

I know you wanna go to Uni, already was in your thread last week :D good luck with that!
I just went to a highschool that gave me the highest sub-university degree possible, but no actual job skill unlike your highschool for nurses
Yeah lots of students who were denied for medicine study in unis in Hungary, they even teach in German there
But it's expensive af and we aren't rich

sh*ot!! Sorry!

Btw it's funny, I noticed there are quite some other channels that do the same thing.

It's nice, I've always been downloading my stuff, taking advice from a webzine for a long time. Going on a youtube trip can be a nice way to discover interesting things.
The drawback of those channels though, in my case, is that I never really acquire the albums, because there's always new things coming. So my personal library stagnates, and I also noticed that the sound quality on youtube is generally sub-par, so I'm pretty sure I'm missing things.

I actually use deezer and it helps me find new stuff to listen to, always recommends me the best albums :D

Thank you Germanon! Good luck to you as well!!

great thanks we will be monitoring your progress as the thread goes on

Thank you!
As I understand it, you are denied those studies beforehand? Here there's a big exam at the end of the 1st year in uni, so many students lose 1 or 2 years trying. And then students get accepted on irrelevant grades, like being better at quantum physics gets you ahead. This ultimately gives us doctors who aren't necessarily interested in medicine, but by the money. Meanwhile people who could've been good doctors are denied for some silly reasons. This is a strange world we live in.

Here your highschool (Abitur) grade decides whether you get admitted or not. Grades go from 1 (perfect) to 6 (complete shit) in school, under 4 you don't get the Abitur ("ready for Uni"). For normal uni degrees you just need the abitur and the average doesn't even matter, some have a treshold of maybe 2,5 or something, a few like psychology or pharmacy which are in more demand have maybe 1,5-1,7 depending on Uni
Only with medicine the demand is so high that the treshold is completely nuts with 1,0, only very few have that. But at least if they do get admitted, only few drop out.