ITT: Post a country you despise

ITT: Post a country you despise

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usa russia uk canada

I said A COUNTRY, singular, you fucking communist rape baby. Pick ONE. Are Finnish people retarded?

I hate everything about them. They're so fucking annoying

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i said all of the ones i despise

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Costa rica, they're slightly less shitty than their central amerilard brothers but they act smug as if they were hot shit



You posted it.

Why are they so fucked in the head? Their diaspora is full of crooks and turboaggressive autists

hello mr. tan
life is good in canada i see

*visits your country on holiday*

mexico,israel and half of germany (the one whoo is pro mass migration and sjw shit)


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t. juan dela cruz chua sy the third jr.

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Butthurt chink detected

For good reason

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You're a chink, aren't you? There's no way a non-Chinknadian cares this much about some random, SEA, sexpat shithole.

none :)

They're infesting the country worse than anyone, they aren't some random SEA country to us.

It seems every fast food joint i walk into has Pinoys working at it. I despise their ugly brown faces and their pathetic manlet heights.
How do they not immediately neck themselves when they go home?

argentina desu

>t. just immigrated from zambales 2 months ago

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Why the hate tho, we mesh pretty well with westerners and dont disrespect the culture. We aren't muslim, we don't migrate to a place and and act like we own the place.

You just wanna larp like your in Sweden or something.

>We aren't muslim
Why do shitskins always think this is a selling point?
>We may be a race of 85 IQ retards who will breed like rats and eventually turn your first-world country into another version of the dump we left, but hey, at least we aren't goat-fucking Muslims!

There is no magic dirt, my brown manlet friend. The Philippines is a shithole because you Filipinos made it that way. Canada is a prosperous, safe and wealthy nation, because the founding stock (mainly Englishmen, Frenchmen and Scots), made it so. How about you worthless subhumans stay in your own country and try to improve it, instead of fleeing to the west and living off the success of whites, like a parasite. Either that, or accept that you're not capable to building and maintaining any semblance of what could be considered civilisation and let us re-colonise your country. But you won't, because you're too proud. You don't want to admit to the innate superiority of the European man, but you'll happily invade our countries. Disgusting flip rat. Kys and your entire slum-dwelling family.


I guess colonialism isn't a thing

Stupid incel

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West Philippine Sea is ours chink

I've traveled to around 40 countries. There isn't any place I unilaterally despise.

However, I generally do not care for Central and Northern Europe. Germans, for instance, are some of the most insufferable people I've yet to come across. Aside from some Bavarians, most were genuinely autistic, boring and incapable of having halfway interesting conversations. When I spent a week with a friend at the University of Gottingen, most of his classmates would interrogate me about stereotypical American political affairs, like how I felt about gun rights and gay marriage; they were constantly amazed that I didn't sound like or have the opinions of an actual cowboy.

Parisian men have also been obnoxious.

TBQH I prefer people in Latin America and South Asia. Some upper-class people aside, they're a lot less pretentious, tend to be very friendly to outsiders, since they don't meet as many, and more fun.

Why? Flips are some of the most kind, respectful, hardworking, friendly immigrants. We respect other cultures.

Nice strawman. The only people turning your shithole into a shithole is you. You allow unwanted criminals into your country, and disallow good hardworking respectful immigrants like Flips.
Canada is prosperous because of immigrants too. We are doctors and nurses and engineers there.

You allow uneducated refugees in comparison.

Flips are the strongest race on earth

>bf is pinoy

I despise my own country

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Flips are some of the dumbest, simpering subhumans I've ever come across aside from working class mexicans and peruvians. These slave-race fucks need to be either exterminated, work as maids, or get the fuck off my dota and league servers forever

Imagine being scared of dying in a fucking video game

It's our time to colonize now, whiteboi.

Wh*toids can't compete with our savage birthrates

>Either that, or accept that you're not capable to building and maintaining any semblance of what could be considered civilisation and let us re-colonise your country

No thanks Angloids were the worst colonial masters.

You don't build shit at best you lead to the stagnation and decay of civilizations greater than you. At worst you genocide and replace the native population.

Iberian BVLLs were by far the most benevolent of the colonial masters. Angloid historians even acknowledged that.

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