You wake up in Spain

>You wake up in Spain

Attached: uqmelzjlu4s21.jpg (1500x1126, 226K)

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Ask the locals for directions to the nearest train station

build a mosque, have dozens of muslim children, and reclaim al andalus

I do that everyday
Now what?

Call Scottish Brothers to rescue me from these Spaniards.

*immediately lose my virginity*

Attached: il_340x270.1540293794_7egq.jpg (340x270, 20K)

I rape

*takes nap*

How hard is it to gain Spanish citizenship? My family is Spanish and I can speak the language, how long would it take before I acquire the nationality?

>dios mio

North Spain, best Spain

why was I sleeping in a sewer?

>at 4pm

Bomb Barcelona and take Messi with me into the afterlife screaming TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU all the while.

based and poopilled

I restore Al-Andalus

>ajuntament de Valencia
Buy some mesca and go to Puzzle to party.
Repeat ad infinitum.


Siesta time?!

imagine the smell of that sewercap

Go to a VOX rally to listen to what Mr. Santiago Abascal has to say about the current state of Spain and in what direction he wants to take his country if he's going to be part of the next government coalition.

pls, not another bombing, Muhammad

>Santiago Abascal
He's a nice lad, but Ortega Smith is the true Vox chad.
*swims to gibraltar with a big flag*
*leaves it there, to show llanitos they are subhumans and belong to Spain*
*makes britain seethe*

Attached: ortega-smith_1_630x630.jpg (630x630, 73K)

>How hard is it to gain Spanish citizenship? My family is Spanish
you have to go to the spanish emvassy in France and ask about it. i think that if your family is spanish it'ill be easy

Not much, but why would you do it?
With Euro citizenship you already can come to Spain and do everything, and holding double citizenship is usually a nuissance.

Spread Turkish seed among the locals


Go back to siesta, of course

I have a drunken piss up with the lads in the seaside resorts, littering, starting fights and causing disruption. Then I escape to Gibraltar

>stop drinking forever

this, but then return to retire in 50 years

I search for the local feminist event to make sure Im in spain.

Time to expel all of the g*rmanic invaders.

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>process to buy a Siete Up

Taking the nearest train to Portugal

duck white pussy and drink visit friends :)

based poo man

compared to my shitty modern city, valencia looks cozy and like heaven.

Attached: CUM.jpg (940x1175, 406K)

Change my name to Ricardo and learn Spanish. I already have br*wn hair and eyes so I’ll blend in

valencia is literally the jersey shore city of spain
or maybe thats ibiza, they are pretty similar

break into Franco's tomb and steal the body before they can exhume it

That's where the latinos expats live. Welcome to the club.

Attached: wario pistola.jpg (1023x656, 64K)