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Well, in that case, I don’t want to see any non-whites selling burgers, pizza, hot dogs, iphones, laptops, cars, and toilet paper.

white people are so freaking annoying


I mean what else is "clean" chinese food supposed to mean?

Anyone can learn a recipe and cook food from anywhere. If you think food is an important part of your culture and that it can only be cooked by people of your ethnicity then your culture is shallow and probably sucks.

use of proper sauce instead of sewage sauce

just more racist bullshit from gentifiers

Whites didn't invent pizza (Italians) or toilet paper (Chinese).
And by your logic, whites should stop using math and writing, both of which were independently invented by non-white civilizations.

Not this:

Lmao, This was written be jew, not Chinese. Why jews care about appropriation of Chinese culture?


Bidet (French) > toilet paper
Italians aren't white?

Bidets aren't toilet paper. And no, they aren't white.

>I only eat AUTHENTIC Mexican food!

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I'm a white guy who works in a Chinese restaurant and I can confirm it is indeed filthy and not held to nearly the same standard as a white or black run restaurant, even the Mexican place I worked at was much cleaner

shut up

All of those things were created due to colonialism and the transfer of wealth from PoC to wh*tes.

Well, it may be "cleaner" but it ain't authentic.

You're beyond reaching, bro.
Might as well close the entire economy down, since Arabs created 0 and that is the most important number in the damn mathematics system.
R-Necks BTFO!!!

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Another deranged Asian grill riding off the backs of hard-working, White women who actually have advanced equality for women.

Why are Asian-American women so fucking trashy?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA absolute madma'am

Italians are MED BVLLS not wh*toid cucks

Italians are arabs

I tried watching that but it's just some unfunny faggot rambling about nonsense with loony toons sound effects. Do Mexicans really watch this regularly?

yes but I couldn't find the original video so I posted this
they're catching pigeons behind the Chinese district