Say something nice about my country. if you dont have anything to say then ignore this thread

say something nice about my country. if you dont have anything to say then ignore this thread

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cute girls in your cunt

Left; Mexican
Right; American

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Thank you for cheap labor. All of my bus drivers and janitors at school were Mexican and you guys do a real good job cleaning up my shit in hotel rooms.

we dont look like asians. no

I like your food and the godfather movies

The word Mexico, has my favorite letter, "X"

Rafael Marquez

The passion and patriotism that the Mexican fans displayed at the last World Cup in Russia was pretty impressive. The anthem + them going bonkers after the 1-0 of Lozano was very cool to see.

I like pretty much everything about you except being a third world, the narcos and your constant LARPing as being aztecs and sheit.

I like the dudes with the mustaches and the revolvers

it's pretty based that you live in the US president's head rent free just by existing

I like your alcohol and your country has cute grills

This. Mustaches and big hats. Also nice qts.

Friendly people, Amazing places, tasty food and beautiful girls

better than ameriMUtt

you have better food than usa

Trotski was murdered there VIVA MEXICO!

Better than the US of A in every way except standards of living.

Mexican food is very good.

New Mexico

part spanish

All of these.

i want bang all mexican girls, most of them never saw a red dick

The only Mexican I know of is Javier Hernandez and he was a good lad so yeah.

Sonorans are the most powerful race in the world

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Right one is Canadian you mutt.

i bet everyone called her chinita as a nickname

Some people that escape from your country are nice.
Cute girls also.