Do you have any frens from a far away foreign country?

do you have any frens from a far away foreign country?

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No. I like interacting with everyone on Jow Forums, though.

yes ;3
Murica and England

When I was in college I had a friend from Switzerland and Poland. They were pretty cool

how did you meet them?

Yes I have many Jow Forums frens

no, I don't have frens.

I used to

Japan and China

aww what happened user?

Yes. My next door neighbors are Dagestani and I have another Aussie friend who works with them at their restaurant.

Jow Forums..


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Used to know a Dutch guy very well when he was here as a kid. He soon moved back though and I've lost contact with him since.

What did you do

what do you do with them?

No. I don't have any Canadian friends either.

No, nobody wants to be my friend either online or irl. I understand the latter, I'm shy and come across as boring in person, but people seem to like or at least be okay with me online and then never talk to me after one or two conversations. Even when they say they will. I don't get it.

believe it or not, i actually know a decent american person ... what are the chances huh

try to start your conversations off with something lighter than holocaust denial usually helps user

yeah, I have friends from all over north america and europe, not to mention a few from japan and isreal

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But I never talk about such things, I'm not Jow Forums at all. I do talk about leaf genocide and everyone has agreed with me so far though.


how did you make those frens?

i have a friend in arizona

Leaf genocide? There is nothing wrong with winter time.

be honest is he an illegal?

I found them on a /vg/ discord server funnily enough, one of the ones that isn't overrun with faggotry it seems. The general isn't even alive anymore on Jow Forums.

not anymore :^)

Post some contact info if you want a Portuguese fren

I have 2 frens from UK
We constantly play Vidya together and have other similar interests

yes: canada, italy, malaysia, taiwan, philippines, japan

friend wil bi frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeends