HELP - my fucking head massager is stuck in my hair and the Uber driver will be here in 3 minutes
HELP - my fucking head massager is stuck in my hair and the Uber driver will be here in 3 minutes
you have think hair you balding retar
Rub peanut butter in your hair
Holy shits is the oily woppy Lachlan hair
So how’d it go OP
Got my food, couldn’t get the fucking thing off my head lmao. I don’t have enough hair to rip it out lmao.
It's not a whisk it's similar but isn't connected on the other end.
Just own it. Say it's a traditional headpiece in your culture and call anyone who mocks you a racist
wtf are you eating? also how did it get stuck in the first place?
His hair got tangled around it because he's retarded
wash your hair, i can smell it from here
now THIS is a quality thread
Just tell him it's your new hat lad
Looks like sweet and sour pork.
Do americans really smell that
got one of these in the house?
Just shave your fucking head user, you're balding anyway
Wash that thing.
Use conditioner.
Use a (soft) boar bristle hair brush.
Consider getting hair moisturizing cream, cheap ones are ok, might help with the greasiness.
All anglos have a top hat. They're part of anglo tradition and culture.
>top hat is exclusively anglo
yeah, no
More likely he has one of these