24.8 here

24.8 here

Attached: DD347AD8-C607-49FF-8A49-B4D106CA68C2.jpg (1500x1140, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:


at least I'm not obese, r-right?


>too tall for that manlet chart
lel, how is the air down there?

190 lbs


22 here
lose weight you fat pieces of shit

Attached: 1552352417395.jpg (350x350, 27K)

>t. 100+ kg

I'm not even on this chart

BMI of 19


Why are you all so fat?


Attached: gordan.jpg (600x600, 50K)




I didn’t know gnomes used Jow Forums.


I'm 6'1 and 100kgs

Says 28 for me. Maybe I'll get to 25 by the end of the year.

>it's literally impossible to even be obese if you're 6'0" or taller

manlets btfo

21 or 22
170cm, 60-64kg

Ahhh fuck I’m 24

Sitting on a dangerous precipice


>chart stop at 97.7kgs

Unusable for americans

Yes, of course. Because it's impossible to 6'0 weight more than a 100 kilos

Are you calling OP's jpg a liar?

You’re not wrong.

22, but i have a potbelly and manboobs

Attached: lits läts.jpg (657x527, 41K)

16 skelly here

Attached: 1554962004461.png (496x464, 630K)

fat fuck

100 kg, 187. 29. Seriously? I don't eat a lot of shit,do plenty of exercise and martial arts. Can't get even to 85 kg. Fuck. My friend eats the exact same things, is 1.83 and never weights more than 70kg even being so sedentary and lazy. Fuck nutritionists. This is all bullshit. Every metabolism is different in some way.

Same. What do, bros?


Attached: 1537099551948.jpg (525x525, 54K)


Its muscle, not fat
Icelandic genetics my boy

I'm healthy sized

Transition to female.

Work out. Don't drink so much.

Consume less soy

>Work out
Gonna need to be more specific than that.

178 cm
67 kg



My scale is broken it seems.

i have had these manboobs for over 10 years now and they just won't go away. and i don't consume soy.
i mostly just eat eggs and meat

You have low weight in general but too much of it is in body fat % instead of muscle mass%

>mfw 17bmi

Attached: 390AE347-D27B-4BDF-B503-FD9CDD8BBD73.png (205x246, 4K)

27 but I'm a Jow Forums chad.

178 cm


Btw, there's different standards for men and women. This chart is probably made with men in mind. Use a BMI calculator instead.

193cm 89kg
I have visible abs

You're 30kg under your average

19 but I don't look very skinny with clothes on because I have wide shoulders and a strong neck

>5'9.5" (~176.5cm)
I want to get to 160lbs going to the gim and eating more though, but im afraid i'll just get fat

I am well aware, i just dont gain weight
Im on a 3000kcal a day diet since November

Twink. You like to crossdress.


I am a greedy fat fuck who has stopped caring

Post body and dexascan result.

174 cm
61 kg
20.1 bmi

Attached: noma.jpg (416x720, 53K)

Mmmmm that appendectomy makes me all hot and bothered.

kek that surgery almost killed me, it wasn't just an appendectomy

About 27 and dropping insha'allah.

My weight is not on the chart

Attached: bs.jpg (463x420, 31K)


Between 27 and 28, losing weight is just way too hard.


6 foot 2 315 pounds here
aiming for bear mode

Attached: 1552714324596.jpg (2000x2156, 415K)

>tfw 6’1 270lbs


Attached: download (20).jpg (223x226, 7K)

No way you're 61 kg. I'm 65 kg and look like a jew prisoner.

I am though... what's your height?


well you'r BMI is slightly lower, post pic!

slightly higher*

overweight. your charts for manlets tho im almost not on it height and weight wise

17 here

Hoping to avoid mandatory conscription with this.

Attached: 1553633067.jpg (600x450, 91K)




20 :)
I eat one meal a day but im healthy

21.5 actually

just perfect

24. 6'2'' and 190lbs. This chart wasn't made for people who lift.

You shouldn’t worry. BMI is a very flawed system. It doesn’t account for muscle mass.

fuck off with your thin privilege