Post books, shows or comics natural of your country that you liked to see as a child

Post books, shows or comics natural of your country that you liked to see as a child

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I want to be a child again

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My comrade "Floquinho"

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Those threads don't get many attention. You should just post a soyjack or a mutt


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What's the name?

I saw the new cartoons

they have flesh no pants that blend with flesh colored shoes (a la timmy turner)

I didn't know I could be disgusted with a cartoon

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thank you for this, brazil

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Monica in Indonesia? New thing for me

mommy used to read me this as a kid

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Mortadelo y Filemon

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It was one of the first countries besides Portugal to get published for some reason. Nowadays is all over the world. Based Mauricio.

I liked this growing up.

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This very based comic

ups forgot pic

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my favorite local comics are Mafalda, Patoruzu, Patoruzito, Isidoro CaƱones and Inodoro Pereyra.

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Also: the one about petisos carambanales.

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>Estados Juntitos