The Philippines is the most restrictive country for foreign ownership and investment

>The Philippines is the most restrictive country for foreign ownership and investment
>It's being eased now with laws in Congress (bordering unconstitutionality), to remove restrictions
>all the countries that opened up their economies to foreign investment all experienced economomic miracles

Are you ready for the Filipino economic miracle Jow Forums?

Attached: 1543051017440.png (891x493, 37K)

activate windows bro!

>paying M$ money

Like the fake post war prosperity we had with Parity Rights.

GNI is more important than GDP.

Pirate Windows properly never had that watermark when using Daz Windows Loader on 7 and upgrading to 10.

Yes, that is true.
Just too lazy to change it really. It just suddenly appeared a year later after properly pirating it.

>GNI is more important than GDP.
Foreign investment gives GNI. And fostering Innovation and startups (which was passed recently in Congress)

>Are you ready for the Filipino economic miracle Jow Forums?

yeah, getting all this textile industry with $100/month salaries from Bangladesh will certainly make you rich

Yes, it will our working age population will continue to grow until 2050. Any job no matter how shit is good. $100 a month is perfectly fine in the poorer low cost of living regions.

>working age population will continue to grow until 2050.

what about stopping having so many children? there's no point to breed so fast in your overpopulated country

Darwinian success > Materialistic success

It's not like we're as smart as East Asians either so quantity is quality.

A young population is always good.
It's being addressed now, though at a slow pace.

Fuck yeah let's murder the local industry with more foreign fucktard industry

Fuck off

I don't think it's so beneficial to an archipelago with hundreds of islands scattered across the sea, you will always have this disadvantage of poor connection between the islands that will hinder your economic growth, because when one island is already full, people won't be able to resettle to another island since there's no bridge or tunnel to commute between the islands conveniently. Indonesia shares the same fate I guess.

Anyway, you have such a beautiful country, you'd better develop your tourism instead of polluting, low-paid industry.

Get bent fucking filipino chink
your days of monopoly is over

It's the global economy sir! Which actually means your country will belong to China soon

Oh well.

China can't even get back Taiwan

Yeah they think the ""white"" countries will pour in and save us but in reality its just going to be more chinks, esecially land ownership.
In a way nothing will really change

Yeah, lets keep the old system where the filipino chinks have a monopoly over everything and foreigners can't properly invest on start up filipino entrepreneurs

I bet your last name is Sy or Lim

The foreigners will just start up Sy, Dennis Uy and end up with the same monoploy just saying.

you have so many opportunities for better life, why can't you just get on a boat and go there?

Attached: (1597x736, 151K)

Hundreds of Filipino startups are desperately looking for funding, if you only focus on the big fish only then that's on you

We already do, most of the domestic helpers there are Filipino. Getting citizenship however is the main challenge, even mainland Chinese have the same problems getting it in Hong Kong.

People really are our main export.

you're about to be absorbed by china

Mainland china not so much, unless you want to be a teacher but they find it degarding to learn english from a flip.

I think thats what they want to happen.

i would REVOLT if my government literally wanted to sell my country to another country

At this point I'd welcome any power annexing our deadbeat asses.

China's nominal GDP per capita is now 3 times higher than us, when the millennium started we were actually richer.

wow, what happened?

Bet you regret independence now

>Yeah they think the ""white"" countries will pour in and save us

After 381 years, you'd think people would learn not to drink the "white man's burden" koolaid

The foreign power most responsible for uplifting Southeast Asia is Japan. Just look at the huge spike in growth that occurred in Thailand during the 80s. Japanese factories were relocated there due to the sharp appreciation of the yen following the Plaza Accord.

Attached: Thai GDP.gif (569x461, 8K)

>Just look at the miracle that occurred in Thailand during the 80s.

>economy based on sex tourism and extorting money from families of foreigners who were caught on the airport with heroin in their backpack

>economy based on sex tourism and extorting money from families of foreigners who were caught on the airport with heroin in their backpack

Attached: 1521366532961.jpg (733x464, 72K)

ok, that was exaggerated a bit, sorry

The US of today isn't the same as it was back then. Growth under the US was only good for a short period of time before stagnating and turning negative. Racial segregation was a major issue back then and granting US citizenship to millions of Filipinos was unthinkable.

It's pretty understandable why people wanted independence.

Attached: Comparison of GDP growth in 8 Asian Nations.png (905x692, 109K)

Do Filipino people romanticize the 1950s, when they were so rich so other countries in SEA were jealous of their prosperity?