Why are they so cute and why do they post so rarely outside of their general...

Why are they so cute and why do they post so rarely outside of their general? They should represent East Slavs on this board, not the other 2

Ukrainians are permanently raging subhumans
Russians are hit or miss, sometimes you stumble upon good posters, but it takes only 1 Ukrainian or even a Finn to turn any good poster into complete shitlord, they're losing their minds in our presence
Belarussian's posts however are always kind, lighthearted and cute, even tho they might lack some informativeness (due to language barrier i suppose)

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Russians are mean to me, but Belarusian posters are my frens.

I'm sorry fren for our meanies, i hope you to meet more friendly posters from our cunt in future, which i believe there are some




Thank you finn, but Russians want attention too.

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So why do you step outside of your general so rarely? This board is for cultural exchange, not for cancerous blogposting in generals

they are too busy tending to the fields of the baltic bull


I'm glad that you heard only about our kindness, my fellow suomi friend

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Jow Forums would be comfier if more of you were around.
For how long have you been posting in here?


I'm sitting read-only here for a couple of years, cuz I'm too embarrassed of my english. I always think that you guys would misunderstand what I'm saying due to language barrier, so I prefer not to write at all than to write with mistakes


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This is so cute

I'm personally just an introvert who's mostly read only. Came to this thread only because I saw our flag on the frontpage, but go on, praise us more.

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Well, I honestly can't blame you given that there is a fair amount of people that will point out your English when debating. But I still think that you should post more often in comfy threads, that way maybe you'll get to improve your English.

Russia's biggest success in history is having such a nice fren

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right, that belabro could write on a native level now if he wasn't such a pussy

>Caring about Jow Forumscels opinions
Betasperg fuck off

well, caring about other's opinions about us is in our national character

how so?

cuz we were slaves when we were a part of Russian Empire, dont you remember? We were always slaves for our neighbours, so we've been taught to be tolerant omega cucks

>be Ukrainian
>constantly get shat on by everybody, especially on int
>defend yourself
>dumb fucking finn faggot calls you permanently raging subhuman
It's all so tiring

Sorry, i should have been more careful with my language, but honestly i can't remember a single positive post by Ukrainian

Cultural exchange is 1% here. The other is bulling poor countries, sexual topics and talks about usual life.

>cuz we were slaves when we were a part of Russian Empire, dont you remember?
I disagree. We weren't. In the Russian Empire we were equal to Russians (in fact we were considered Russians, a lost tribe that returned to Mother Russian in the end of XVIII century).

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I like Belarus

In fact, Belarusians are AI programmed to post only in /rus/+/bel/+/ukr/

they can't post outside their generals or they get sent to gulag :(

here're your (you)

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True. Sure, serfs were fucked, but just as much as any serf in Russian Empire. On the other hand Belorussians had a massive nobility class, even tho Russians desperately tried to decrease it's numbers, but still... I almost wanna say Belorussians were privileged compared to other ethnicities. Ethnic Estonians for example were for 99.99% peasants, but they don't care about it nowadays and they shouldn't.

Peru is not often here too.


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Some of us stick to generals more and others only lurk around, probably for the same reason as or just because there aren't a lot of threads that spark the average Perufag's attention.

s-so big!

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average person in our country has access to the internet through their phones and not a pc. plus their kind of autism is siphoned by things like football.

I travel quite often and I like to shitpost, so this board amuses me

>plus their kind of autism is siphoned by things like football.
This. You'll find a great amount of Peruvians in /sp/



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I love Ukrainians, i hope we will become friends once again in near future

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shut the fuck up hohlina

How do we encourage Belabros to post more outside of general?

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Make more threads praising them or more B threads

Sometimes i type a long ass post, then spot 1 mistake before posting it and simply delete it all

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What for?
I don't want to lose Belarusians.

...under the banner of United and Indivisible Russia

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Ukranians are bro tier, Belarussians are quasi-Russians who can't speak their own language.

hohols aint shit

Belaruse, how come your country is so clean and somewhat well-maintained, while Ukraine or Moldova look like sub-saharan Africa with cold climate?


Average person in our country browse slavic social networks. I have nothing to show there. I have no beautiful body, no job, no house, no girlfriend, no car, no money. That's why I'm here.

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Why not 2ch?

Why does it care you?

t. subhuman

wtf man, not cool


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dunno just asking, i know it's big in Russia

You can kiss their ass for visa.

t. you're the subhuman for not acting like a decent cunt

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I just hate Estonians and Latvians, sorry.

>Belaruse, how come your country is so clean and somewhat well-maintained, while Ukraine or Moldova look like sub-saharan Africa with cold climate?
Dictatorship brings Ordnung.

You shouldn't tho, there are better ways to let out your frustration

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Here's my desktop. I use XP with 800*600 monitor of 2005 p.d. It still works.

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and lithuanians?