IMF announced a list of countries by GDP for 2018. Poland surpassed Sweden, becoming 21st biggest world economy

IMF announced a list of countries by GDP for 2018. Poland surpassed Sweden, becoming 21st biggest world economy.

Are you prepared for the Polish century? Also, Argentina, get ready to leave G20 and make room for us.

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Time to challenge German leadership in the EU at last.

>W marcu podjąłem się pierwszej prawdziwej pracy w życiu, wcześniej tylko raz rozdawałem gazetki. Pracowałem przez 3 tygodnie, do końca marca na magazynie, oczywiście na czarno, 6 godzin dziennie, dniówka 60 zł, czyli liche pieniądze, ale cóż zdecydowałem się. Praca polegała na dźwiganiu worków 25 kg z różnymi związkami chemicznymi np wodorotlenek sodu( tak zwany kret do kibla), wodorotlenek potasu i inne podobne i przesypywaniu ich do wiaderek 1,3,5,10 oraz 20 kg za pomocą łopatki według zamówień i naklejaniu na koniec nalepki na wiaderko z daną nazwą związku. Praca monotonna, nudna, po kilku dniach już chodziłem na siłę, byle dla tych 60 zł dniówki. Zarobiłem łącznie 900 zł przez 3 tyg. Pracował też ze mną współwłaściciel, który zajmował się drukowaniem faktur, pakowaniem wiaderek według zamówień itp. Jak się możecie spodziewać był on typowym normikiem, tylko że już po 40-stce. Dom bliźniak na kredyt, dzieci, żona nauczycielka. Oczywiście pytał mnie o moje życie, ale dzięki temu, że nosze kilkanaście masek, nie rozgryzł tego, że ja przegryw. Po powrocie z roboty nie miałem już na nic chęci i często zdarzało się tak, że po zjedzeniu obiadu szedłem spać do 19/20. Ta praca była w ramach tak jakby próby, czy w kwietniu bym się zdecydował na gówno staż za 1017 zł brutto, oczywiście podziękowałem, też mi staż, nic przydatnego do CV, bo co miałbym niby wpisać? Przesypywanie zawartości i dźwiganie worków przez pół roku? Tyle jeśli chodzi o pracę.

Nominal means fucking nothing.
Only indicates countries with conversible currency.

that's how capitalism is being built

Wiem o tym stary, po prostu wkleiłem pierdolenie spierdoxa z Wykopu. Najlepsze jest że pisze że ''Hurr durr najlepsze już za mną, czuje już tylko marazm durr'' a ma kurwa 19 lat.

Nienawidzę takich spierdolin.

PPP is only useful per capita

Wait wtf how were you not a bigger economy than us before? You have freaking 40 million people

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Yes I'm ready for Poland's rightful spot as part of the supply chain of the German economy.


What does Spain even do to have that kind of economy? What does their country produce?

Well looks like Hungaristan is a literal fucking joke. If another financial meltdown hits Europe it will fall below Romania.

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Kek we are already out, congrats.
We are honorary G20.

>poorer than a bunch of Latin American and African countries

n-no way...

38 Million.

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Wypierdalaj z tym kurwa. Zdj pewnie z 2011-12, te meliny już zapewne rozpierdolone a na ich miejscu stoją nowoczesne, zachodnie biurowce.

No, is not
Is what measures the real production in a country

And guess what, China already BTFO you people

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funfact: in 1992 Polish and Russian economies were almost equal, and as big as Hong Kong or Israel

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PPP - Poor People Points

>What does Spain even do to have that kind of economy? What does their country produce?

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He's right though.

I remember watching the news for children and it talked about how Turkey was going to overtake the Netherlands soon in 2000 or so.
What a failure

Ja pierdolę. Jakim kurwa cudem, Ruscy z Geopolitycznego mocarstwa które trzęsło połową globu spadli do rangi szeregowego państewka z bloku wschodniego? Zaczynam ich trochę rozumieć że tęsknią za czasami ZSRR. W tamtych czasach ich kraj przynajmniej stanowił potęgę.

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It's the stolen gold


Its a legit fucking question tho. Spain literaly produces fucking NOTHING, and yet it somehow stays relatively high on the list, and close to South Korea, which is a fucking Fifth exporter on the world. You can't explain that with just ''Muh tourism''.

Our parrots

Quintessential american post

hows that quality of life going on pedro

>Spain literaly produces fucking NOTHING

They have recently bought our Solaris, our most prospective firm we hoped it would kick our economy forward

and I guess it was pennies for Spanish CAF to buy it

that's the difference

>You can't explain that with just ''Muh tourism''.
It's easily explainable with your ignorance and stupidity

Stop being a shiftless wilful idiot when you can literally just Google "spain export treemap".

Attached: 767px-Spain_Export_Treemap.png (767x600, 298K)

No i co kurwo chcesz udowodnić? Wstawiasz mi jeden pierdolony budynek z szeregiem pawilonów, i to ma niby świadczyć o gospodarczym zacofaniu tego kraju? Mam ci kurwa wstawić zdjęcia zasranych ulic z San Francisco, czy brudnych ulic z Gett Muzułmańskich Londonistanu i Paryża?

Cebulackie i malkontenckie ścierwa twojego pokroju to największy rak tego kraju. Nie ironicznie czekam jak Artykuł 13 rozkurwi wreszcie wasze pierdolone, autystyczne memy z nosaczami.

ale piecze

Inca gold treasury

>we fell to the 59th position because of the crisis

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Błagam cie kurwa, Solaris to był mem. Sam Ursus pewnie miał większe obroty, nie mówiąc już o gigancie pokroju CDPR.
No, it is not.

i own a spanish motorcycle

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>Sam Ursus pewnie miał większe obroty,,485.html

you mean the one who is about to go bankrupt?
Fucking absolute state of this cunt

Ghahha, Warsaw pfffffhahahah

Mamy wiele innych firm, wypierdalaj.

Doesn't Argentina have a crisis every 10 years? I still can't believe how your economy works, it goes up and down in a preditable cycle, looks like investment in the Argentinian economy during the crisis and waiting for recovery will result in guaranteed profit.

'State' of this country is that we have surpassed Swedeshits on the GDP list, you dumb fucktard. This is the reality.

>0.49% Womens, girls
I'm concerned.

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No, you probably mean Wenezuela.

>Poland 38 million
>Sweden 10 million

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No, he probably means Argentina, Argentina is "wasted potential, the country", people were talking about it being the USA of South America at the start of the XX century, and by the end of it Argentina was a shithole and my parents had to leave the country.
They have some sort of crisis every decade or so, some times is a coup d'etat that make it happens, some times is their products becoming less sought after in the world market, some times is global recession, but they always fuck up.
Venezuela also fucks up from time to time though, both are countries of wasted potential.

GDP is a worthless metric

HDI is where it's at

Spain surpassed Italy in PPP but not in nominal GDP per capita, I wonder what makes Italy more expensive than Spain.

just like spain

Venezuela literally went from 3rd largest Oil exporter on the planet in WW2, to what it is today. I think Venezuela had even greater potential.

>looks like investment in the Argentinian economy during the crisis and waiting for recovery will result in guaranteed profit.
it is actually, it's always the same thing... periods of fast gowth followed by deep crisis
i guess the human capital remains and it's probably the only reason why we still have a relatively decent quality of life

venezuela is a different case, they totally destroyed their economy and democracy

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don't bully we're dead already

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I'm not really sure about that, Venezuela had and still had greater mineral resources, but you can be rich off petrol for so long before you run out of it or the price drops a lot like it happened recently, countries with industries and strong R&D can manage to be rich for longer, and Argentina had a better position than Venezuela in that, and received more European inmigration, who were generally better educated.
My grandparents emigrated there because Spain was a shithole at the time, just came out of a civil war to be fair, and my parents inmigrated here because Argentina was a shithole 40 years later, really makes you think.

Not to the same extent, Spain has some assured stability because of being part of EU now.

so basically you come from a family of coward refugees

I come from a family of intelligent people who try to look for a better future.

It's better to take the opportunities you have, no one will commend you in staying in a shithole.

>only 16th
wow pathetic

a real alpha male doesn't care about it's enviroment, we just succed wherever we are
t. chicano

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In terms of wealth you are below UK and France. Average Hans does not even own a house, and wegetates in a small shoebox apaetment.

>a real alpha male doesn't care about it's enviroment, we just succed wherever we are
Ok, post your bank account so we can see your incredible wealth, alpha male.

Yes, much stronker than Sweden.

I make 3600 USD per month, i'm not rich but that's almost the double of the average wage in Spain
Why? I work remotely for an american company ;)

We have been on the 50s for a long time friend

Good job man, but be careful when you go out with that money because you are like 9 more likely to die in Argentina than in Spain and part of that deaths are because of street assaults gone wrong.

Good for you bro.

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how do people in Spain look at you as an immigrant from Argentina?

what's the general opinion on Argentinians in Spain

>Measuring in USD
For what purpose? Use your own currency please!

Germany #5
Romania #40
Hungary #56
Orbán Viktor on suicide watch.

51th/52th in the last years... we fell like 8 positions, that's pretty fucked up

see? that's beta male thinking, never been assaulted before, unless you live in the shitty part of the city that's very unlikely
and in case it happened my money is at the bank grandpa

The Soviet economy was fake. It existed only on paper. In fact, people queued for bread 6 hours a day.

Kek good job Poland, now your next challenge is defeating us a 8.2mil country.
Good luck!

2.21597656 trillion PLN

I don't understand. I'm so confused. Didn't IMF release a new list in this months release?

Oh man, did you use google translate or you understand Polish?

Romania is heavily underrated

I understand Polish a bit. I was born in Belarus.

Google translate is shit
>I'm fucking. What a whore miracle, the Russians from the Geopolitical power that shook half of the globe fell to the rank of the rank and file state from the Eastern bloc? I'm beginning to understand them a little that they miss the USSR times. At that time their country was at least a power.
on the other hand deepl is quite awesome
>Oh, fuck me. How the fuck did the Russians from the Geopolitical power that shook half the globe fall into the rank of a private country from the Eastern Bloc? I am beginning to understand them a little that they miss the times of the USSR. At least their country was a power at that time.

Poverty and homelessnes

European country have stronger industry than it seems.People often forget how europe has strong aerospace.pharm industry what East Asian really envy.

Recently,East Asian nation have invested a lot in pharm industry and started to catch up. Still its EU and US's game.

Also, East Asian dont have equivalent of Air bus.Because it dont allow newcomer since its directly related to safety.Major Aerospace company make tons of aerospace parts supply chain EU.

China is making their own civil aircraft and will force their airports to use them.If China make their own aircrafts and exports, it will be big threat to EU industry and engineers.

>In fact, people queued for bread 6 hours a day.

We had this in Poland too! We even had people called ''stacz kolejkowy'' who took place for people in line when they had to go to work, etc.

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>how do people in Spain look at you as an immigrant from Argentina?
Most people don't even notice since I was born here and I don't have an accent, my parents also doesn't have the typical rioplatense accent and the years in Spain makes people think they speak like people from the Canary Islands, so nobody notices unless I speak about it.
People don't really give a shit about my parents being Argentinian, but in older people is more common not to like inmigrants and some people hate to see my parents being more successful than them while coming from abroad, my parents also got the Spanish nationality since my grandparents are all Spaniards.
>what's the general opinion on Argentinians in Spain
There are some stereotypes like that they speak a lot and they are womanizers, but I don't think they are disliked, but also Argentinians are probably among the most well liked Latin Americans, and being at least part native can probably shape the view of other people have of you.
For example the extreme right party Vox from Spain says that Spain should be open to inmigration from Latin America but not from MENA or Sub-Saharian Africa, so I don't think Spanish people in general dislike Latin Americans when even the one that are more against inmigration are somewhat open about Latin American inmigration, although if a Spaniard were to insult a Latin American for some reason they would probably use a lot of slurs, like sudaca, tiraflechas, panchito, etc.

gl man, best wishes for your safety


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Did you had rations on Bread, Milk and sugar too?

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Hungary gold reserves 4 tonnes.
Romania gold reserves 105 tonnes.
Hungary's mineral reserves are shitty bauxite and thermal water.
Romania has oil, gas, coal, gold, silver, iron, manganese, copper, large forests, hydroelectric plants on the Danube and a nuclear reactor the dwarfs Paks and will be expended.
Hungaristan is a literal paper tiger, while the West is just shitting on and mocking this place, this is all they do.

Wow, Romania is literally the superpower of the Balkans

Romania is a shithole bro, sorry but its a fact. Your ''Oil'' has been drilled in WW2 by krauts, and there it nothing left now.

You should have 4x our economy

Ofc. Rations existed until 1992, when trade was allowed. In the USSR, it was possible to buy something without queuing only on the black market.

My country climed up from 90th to 80th place at 7200$ a year. Dubs on peru, thailand, dominica, south africa and many others

My original point was that SU had large GDP and powerful influence all over the world.

help us then

The fact that we are even up there in the first place is kinda surprising to be honest.

Yes, your people are busy doing this:

Nothing wrong with a bit of good old fashioned street brawling between drunk men.