>mfw right now
Mfw right now
same desu
me in the back having a big think
that's a peculiar looking frenchman
Based as fuck
They're doing the same thing people did here during Aussie shooting.
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and get some empathy otherwise we're all heading down a really fucking shitty path for the world.
Based Trudeau
>some Jow Forumstard shoots up a mosque
>meme church burns down
lol I hope all you abrahamniggers kill each other off so that people with 100+ IQs can rebuild the world
We already are
Frenchies better get the guillotines out
Are you really comparing those 40-50 lives to the hundreds who died building the cathedral?
Nah muslims are subhuman and if we get angry enough we'll just exterminate them. China is already on the train. The rest of the world can live in peace after the sandniggers are removed.
kys then, that would be a good start
Not sure if retarded or retarded
>race war now
no, sorry, I don't worship Yahweh and my IQ isn't double digit
I felt nothing when 9/11 happened, I felt nothing when Christchurch happened, and I feel nothing now.
>brags about his supposed high iq
Never go full potato.
>They're doing the same thing people did here during Aussie shooting.
Stop lying.
Even Jow Forums called the Aussie shooter a Jewish false-flagger.
>high iq
Global average for developed countries is sitting at around 100, and slowly increasing over time.
They call actual Jow Forumstards with their own trip-code and such jewish false-flaggers when they shoot up another school in the name of Trump
No mate, you cut the shit. Jow Forums was full of vermin cheering it on. Did you forget the desu archives exist, or something?
Best day of his life
Do they know that the Kaaba was torn down and rebuilt many times?
>comparing facebook posts from normies with the views of an anonymous imageboard famed for its sociopathy and lack of empathy
the average western facebook and reddit normie was in tears, virtue signalling, etc when christchurch happened
by comparison
these are the views of "normal" people
fuck fr*nch faggots and fuck wh*toids
because its people lives vs some monuments
Go fuck yourself you fucking muhammednigger. One day Europa shall reign supreme, and kill every last one of you dirty middle eastern monkeys.
you've been trying for 2000 years snow coon
Whites will be out bred in a few decades the remaining ones will be raped and slaughtered in the most brutal ways imaginable
Revenge of the cradle snownigger
higher iq if you prefer
imagine being this retarded
good luck rebuilding it after it gets nuked
fuck theist scum
I doubt that's the case here
I promise you we'll come back stronger than ever to pillage, rape, and kill all of the Middle East and Asia to finally rid our beautiful planet of such sub-human monkeys like you.
>Notredame done because frogs are incompetents
>Jow ForumsKUKS not even 5 mins in
Truly reddit
They possibly don't know that it was muslins who did it.
They possibly don't know either that the saudi government has been demolishing early muslim sites since the XVIII century.
Still it's prety sad to see it burn.
>people with 100+ IQs
You ain't making the cut, user.