I would rather watch a Mexican cartel member skin someone alive than to see this webm. My heart is broken. I am crying for this first time in years.
I would rather watch a Mexican cartel member skin someone alive than to see this webm. My heart is broken...
Other urls found in this thread:
right when the holy week starts
what a weird coincidence
what a faggot you are. crying over something like this.
>My heart is broken. I am crying for this first time in years.
Thanks for starting another thread about it, faggot.
kys faggot
Try to eliminate soy from your diet then.
>i can't visit notre dame in my lifetime
It is time to come back to the Church, Dutch friends.
Confirmed that everyone on Jow Forums are soys in denial
fuck you marochien
End yourself
this so much. even Jow Forums is no different than reddit rn except the moozlim threads.
that poor lake
yeah kill em
Look very symbolic, doesn't it?
i dont give a shit, no one cares when albanians burnt serbian church in nyc 2 years ago, now i will give 0 fucks to cathocuck rathole
>oh no some pile of bricks burnt down
Putain de Christophe
that's a very racist webm. delete it
Where's the argument here?
what happened?
>I would rather watch a Mexican cartel member skin someone alive than to see this webm. My heart is broken. I am crying for this first time in years
Now the French can build a beautiful mosque there to honor their new state religion
la bise
Why France? Why not fucking Am*rica burns
Who else in the exclusive /VisitedNotreDame/ club here?
If other restoration works in Europe is anything to judge by, the Notre Dame won't be reopened until next century.
This is pretty exciting. It's like when a hute couture company goes bankrupt, making their brand all the more exclusive.
why not both?
can you link the version with the sound?
varg, please
imagine walking into any village in ireland in the 1840s and just seeing loads of pathetic micks starving to death in the street
how epic and redpilled would that be omg
seeing all the numale arthoes crying is worse than a million Notre Dames burning