Taiwan in front of Germany

>Taiwan in front of Germany

This hurts


Attached: List_of_countries_by_GDP_PPP_per_capita_Wikipedia.png (396x856, 54K)

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>poor people point
Don't worry it's a meme already

What are Taiwanese girls supposed to think now? They will start to stop putting Germans on a pedestal, which is a horrible turn of events

Taiwan is nordic

Attached: 1354719955551.png (2000x1200, 107K)

ppp is a joke, just like ur pp


Yes... Some countries have weirdly high ppp comapred to normal figure.Like 2~2.5times.

How does it happen?I am really curious.


Attached: correct list.png (381x937, 58K)


doesnt mean shit, so many taiwanese peasants on temp visa working under the table menial jobs in australia while locals collect neetbux

It's the result of an undervalued currency and trading predominately with nations who also have undervalued currencies. It's not unusual in developing Asia were the race to the bottom incentivizes such a thing in order to make exports more attractive. It also multiplies the cost savings multinational corporations get for relocating their factories.

Japan used to be like that before the rapid appreciation of the yen following the Plaza Accord.

Attached: Yen Plaza Accord.png (2667x1905, 189K)


How do asians do it?
They attract so much fucking modern industry while we stick with clothing and shiet

Lmao I just realized every country in front of us is a single economy oil/banking state

Wait nvm just noticed Ireland, why are they so rich what do they do WHAT is their secret

They have alot of corporations that emigrated from the USA

And this is just PPP. The US is a great country, and yet we don't allow ourselves to believe that thanks to Jew media and distorted stats saying we aren't the best cause there's some niggys living in squalor in some places.

They are also a banking state for the purpose of international businesses declaring income

Genuinely wish they’d fuck off back to Africa I’d pay taxes for the boats and everything

They literally bring down every metric about our country, violence wealth everything, people don’t realize they’re their own little nation within a nation so it makes us look bad


1st world: above $50 000
2nd world: between $30 000 and $49 999
3rd world: between $10 000 and $29 999
4th world: below $9 999

lol why is the UK so poor

Where’s Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra, Vatican City?


1st world: $30,000 >
•Chad 1st world: $40k-60k
•GigaChad 1st world: $60k up
2nd world: $20,000-$30,000
3rd world: $10,000-$20,000
4th world: $5,000-$10,000
5th world: $0-$5000

You have less freedoms than Latvia.

Attached: world_freedom_index.png (1773x5633, 626K)

Attached: 1555319050916.png (1804x1564, 1.67M)

>Finland with the chart autism
Every time

why is qatar so high? it's not like they have any more oil/natural gas reserves than their neighbours, must be the low population.

Prefer facts and statistics over emotion driven opinionposting.

>here’s a chart talking about some metric when voting in a democracy or something
>therefore porn license knife ban UK is more free than you
Why do Finns do this? I swear every single one of you here has an entire folder of random metrics where Finland is #1

Is it true Finns are lazier at work than Spaniards??

Attached: EE4B1AFB-46B9-4F81-993B-899F71696F84.jpg (1050x2220, 374K)

Idk about other Finns. Also in the Freedom Index, there are 3 nations sharing the 1st place, Finland just happened to be aplhabetically before the other 2. Latvia actually scored higher than USA though, if only by one point.

That's not what your chart measures, silly.

That’s a chart measuring GDP per hour worked and you aren’t near #1 on that wtf

Norway however is based

The point wasn't Finland being at the top. I just found it interesting that USA has tanked to a level below Latvia, especially since they've traditionally scored very highly on the freedom index (pic related). It's a fairly recent development. USA's been tanking on the index ca. 2010 and it seems to only be getting worse.

Attached: FitW9_820px_United_States_Trajectory.png (820x683, 33K)

The US actually has more poor than the UK, the 1% just pulls the average up so much.

Attached: IHDI 2017.png (475x686, 25K)

And here it is

>Le 1%!!!!!!!
>Muh HDI adjusted for (((Inequality)))!!

If only the UK had 40 million jungle tier people living in it carving out their own 3rd world existence in spite of the wealth and opportunity surrounding them

>Jew media and distorted stats

Every time. Very cute. Where hard numbers like income and GDP may fail you, you may invoke made up metrics and black box statistics conjured by academics with an agenda.

>New Zealand
>People can get up to 14 years for a video of guy shooting up a mosque

Attached: 1540830045454.jpg (720x720, 222K)

Income and GDP are skewed by distribution of wealth, taxation and things like housing bubbles. If you want to feel pride about Mr. Shekelsteins fortunes while shitposting from a rundown shack then sure by all means, carry on. Just remember that by median wealth per adult (pic related), Iceland eclipses you by 3 to 1 (Iceland +200k, USA ~65k)


Attached: 1920px-Countries_by_median_wealth_per_adult_in_2018.png (1920x968, 465K)

>Tier3 nation
Imagine being in the same tier with Marocco and Algeria while making posts about "freedom"

Attached: 2018_Social_Progress_Index.jpg (915x515, 191K)

nobody gives a shit about your frozen shitholes snown*GGers
i rather live in poor afriKKKa than to live in frozen shithole

kill yourselves ameriMUTTistan is 100000000x times better than any snown*GGer country

Attached: whitoid.jpg (684x703, 87K)

Imagine creating arbitrary rating to feel better about western countries where people get in prison for shitposting online

>he literally does have a folder full of random graphs and charts
What the fuck is wrong with Finns LOL

Isn't Qatar a literal slave state? What kind of dumb bs is this.