So... is it safe to ask who started the fire?

So... is it safe to ask who started the fire?

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>yfw it's not intentional, just an accident caused by a renovation worker dropping a cigarette
>yfw the worker isn't Arab
>yfw he's Portuguese


God I hope the worker isn't somehow an american contractor.

You don't need to be an Arab to be a Islamist super soldier

>>yfw he's Portuguese
So, he is an Arab after all.

even if they do somehow manage to find a culprit, does anyone really believe they'll say anything other than it was faulty wiring or something passive like it?

Also, has anyone died?


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I think the only casualty was one seriously injured firefighter.

Alberto Barbosa literally started the fire hahahahahhhhaa

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imagine having to live with yourself knowing your negligence destroyed almost a millennia old building and one of the most iconic pieces of architecture in the western world

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sheeeeit the monkeys from the americas are obssesed with us. Envy is an ugly felling.

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pretty sure no


Kys nigger stop falseflaging

Yesh, the fire rishes

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>the shitskin buthurt

screetch harder