So... is it safe to ask who started the fire?
So... is it safe to ask who started the fire?
>yfw it's not intentional, just an accident caused by a renovation worker dropping a cigarette
>yfw the worker isn't Arab
>yfw he's Portuguese
God I hope the worker isn't somehow an american contractor.
You don't need to be an Arab to be a Islamist super soldier
>>yfw he's Portuguese
So, he is an Arab after all.
even if they do somehow manage to find a culprit, does anyone really believe they'll say anything other than it was faulty wiring or something passive like it?
Also, has anyone died?
I think the only casualty was one seriously injured firefighter.
Alberto Barbosa literally started the fire hahahahahhhhaa
imagine having to live with yourself knowing your negligence destroyed almost a millennia old building and one of the most iconic pieces of architecture in the western world
sheeeeit the monkeys from the americas are obssesed with us. Envy is an ugly felling.
pretty sure no
Kys nigger stop falseflaging
Yesh, the fire rishes
>the shitskin buthurt
screetch harder