Why do brazilians think they're white and are part of the west?

Why do brazilians think they're white and are part of the west?

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This desu. We make a point of being not European despite being it.

>Why do brazilians
One retarded shitposting repreents 210 million people.

And 10% of brazilians are western euros
Rest are dagos and nogs

what is that

but we are pretty western, most people think that capitalism, and democracy are the answer.

most people like the beatles, and holywood movies, etc.

we are just poor.

Sao Paulo and the South received 5 million europeans in the XIX and XX centuries.
A lot of italians from northern Italy.
A decent amount of germans.

10% of brazilians look like western europeans. My family is from Veneto and i have light eyes and pinkish skin, but i know that only 1 in 10 are like me here.
40% look like arabs/portuguese
50% look like indians (what we call pardos) and mullatos

>what is that

Arabs/southern italians/southern portuguese/spaniards from Andaluzia

Germans are the only true whites. Italians mixed with arabs/portuguese

Dagos are even in monkeyzil, lol

How aren't they western? they speak a European language, live in a society founded on western ideals and law, are a European romance culture

They also have a lot of Christian influence, a religion that is inseparable from the European/western identity

Please, say me that's a bait...

He is not wrong.

do you think that every brazilian is a favela monkey?

I will kidnap you and make you my gf :3

>tfw most of Africa is now western

A lot of brazilians look like the people on this video


>10% are western euros

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No we are not. Just because some Iberian raped our aboriginal people and forced their religion, language and laws on them doesn't mean we are western.
We are culturally Latin Americans. Mix of Amerindian and Iberian elements.

They could be considered, but they lack the cultural prerequisite

% are western euros
People in Europe thought i was french

I went to a gym in a upper-middle class neighbour in Sao Paulo and half of people here had pinkish skin and light eyes.
You don´t know my country.
You don´t know how people here look like or live.
I know europe because i used to live there.
Shup up, Chin Ling, and go to hell

To me, Kazakhstan is a huge grassland full of qts being kidnapped by smelly warriors.

Yeah but the very top of your society isn't 10%. And even the Brazilians that make it here and are upper class are all noticably not fully white.

I have an euro passport because of my family, your monkey.
I go to there whenever i want.

i lived there during 5 years and i know how people there look like and how people in Sao Paulo and the South look like.

21 million people here look like western europeans

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Just stop.

Yeah and he thinks he's a expert in Brazil.

why would you care it is their identity minority or not their ancestors were Germans etc

São Paulo (Portuguese pronunciation: [sɐ̃w̃ ˈpawlu] (About this soundlisten)) is one of the 26 states of the Federative Republic of Brazil and is named after Saint Paul of Tarsus. As the richest Brazilian state and a major industrial complex, often dubbed the "locomotive of Brazil",[4] the state is responsible for 33.9%[5] of the Brazilian GDP. São Paulo also has the second highest Human Development Index (HDI) and GDP per capita, the fourth lowest infant mortality rate, the third highest life expectancy, and the third lowest rate of illiteracy among the federative units of Brazil, being by far, the safest state in the country.[6][7] The homicide rate is 3.8 per 100 thousand as of 2018,[8] almost 1/4 of the Brazilian rate. São Paulo alone is richer than Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia combined.[9] If São Paulo were an independent country, its nominal GDP would be ranked among the top 20 in the world (2010 estimate).[10] The economy of São Paulo State is the most developed in Brazil.[11]

Imagine being this triggered

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What do they have to be proud of? And what does india have to be proud of?

Genetic test already proved white brazillians are nigger mutts too , fuck off already macao

Sure, Brazil is composed of 100% sub saharan nigs.

Attached: Brazilian Negroids.jpg (1600x1200, 242K)

It's a photo from October-fest [Germany], u ape macaco nigger

But we are western tho

>part of the west
I don't think anyone has ever questioned this before


That is clearly not brazil, macaco.

No, Pablo, you are not your own civilization
Yes, you are just the shitty part of the west

>via emBRAtel
>not brazil

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it is, you can check the brand writen on this TV antenna
Via Embratel is a brazillian company

this is less than 1% of your population tho, we are 99% niggers and not western

Attached: via embratel.jpg (153x125, 9K)

also claro store back there

lmao imagine being proud of being a shitskin? is this how thirdies cope?

Russia is not European, it's like saying Turkey is European because of that tiny piece of land on continental Europe

This is Oktoberfest @ Blumenau in Brazil. I am green eyed white and live in a neighboring city, called Joinville, also full of whites. South of Brazil is very white. Some cities are absolutely ridden with Germans and some others with Italians.

I've lived in a small city in Rio Grande do Sul state, around 40k population. White skinned Italians everywhere. Strong Italian accent and mannerisms too. Not a single pardo or nig in that city.

Pic related is an average sample from my current city.

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Do ape macacos thinks that trolling and larping as dutch funny?


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You're not european and you're genuinely not white. And there is nothing wrong with that.

If 77% of Turkey's entire population lived on that piece of land then, yes.

Starting to dislike Indians cause of your spam

Then I feel sorry for ppl who live there. Like imagine being surrounded by niggers and mutts...

Yes, we are drowning in black culture here.

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why the fuck are poos so obsessed about brazil... Just stop, give up. When considering aspects of what's more commonly considered a "shitty country' absolutely no one gets close to india, and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever change that.

t. lived a long time in brazil, it is really shitty but in a different way than a africa/india type of shitty. It's kind of like a russia but warm, with more brown people, less meth users but more people killing each other on the streets

>ukrainians 70%

One question : How?

>Why do brazilians think they're white and are part of the west?
bc we are?

What did you do in Russia and Brazil, lol

>nu-worlder opinions
What could you ever know?

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Why would you care fucking gook?

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>why yes, i do indeed have dual citizenship. How could you tell?

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You're opinion doesn't matter mutt. Fuck off.

>opinina its pretty much a fact tho.

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Here, Google Translated from our wiki.

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>t. nst.com.my/world/2018/07/396378/pregnant-goat-dies-after-being-gang-raped-eight-men-india

Jaraguá looks dope. Hope to visit there someday. I've probably passed by it on a few trips.

You can't generalize, though. Your experience in Brazil will vary immensely depending on which city you are. Come live here in Joinville, then go to Rio de Janeiro, and finally get to Fortaleza or some location in the Amazon.

The culture and wealth differences by location are incredible. Theoretically, Brazil could easily be split into multiple smaller countries in order to better differentiate regions.

>American cops

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Why we wouldn't be? The Brazilian culture is essencially Western. Unless you reason that only whites are part of the West

Northern Rio Grande and Santa Catarina are the only salvageable parts of this country

read article AGAIN muhamed
All the perpetuators were muslims
Nice try Goat fucker

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Por que vocês levam esse buraco de website tão a sério?


Monkey boy got too hyped by Ozovo de Caralho kek

Italians are white you dumb cunt fite me nigger

Eu nem conheço o site. Pra mim é apenas um meme que nunca vai se realizar, apesar de que eu adoraria a separação.

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Eu estou falando do Jow Forums. É notável a bunda doída de vocês. Por que levam tão a sério? Essa thread por exemplo, não deveria ter nem 2 posts

>South of Brazil is very white
Only in the countryside, big cities are brown because of immigration from other states

Their colorful extensive clothing reminds me of the kites me and our friends used to fly all day.

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Stop goal posting abdul
You goat fuckers are responsible for most rapes here
Including raping children and animals

Você tem razão. Só que quando caçoam do Brasil eu acabo discutindo por automatismo, mesmo sendo perda de tempo

Eu venho aqui para me divertir, e threads como esse me divertem. Não tem mistério.

Não sou do partido secessionista. Eu ainda nutro a esperança de que o Brasil irá se civilizar no futuro

Não estou levando a sério. Apenas estou entediado e aquela trolladinha básica sempre me faz bem.

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>Eu ainda nutro a esperança de que o Brasil irá se civilizar no futuro

I've never seen a country try to be as white as brazil does. or a country that gets mad as brazil does when people doubt they're white

Trolar gringo é engraçado hue

We don´t think
Our culture is a mix of portuguese, western african and native american

Funk Samba
Jazz Samba
Samba Rock
Samba samba
Samba swing
Funk Favela

Calm down, monkey. Just wondering

LOL kys you subhuman mongloid nigger. I'm Russian (pure blond blue eyed slav) and we rule your ass


They are the west, you fucking poo

No they are our bitch. Latin America is American, not western. The US and Canada are the only western countries in the new world.

Pretty sure "Brazil" is not the thing that comes into people's mind when someone said "The West" you retarded snownigger

westerner than you muhammad

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>If São Paulo were an independent country, its nominal GDP would be ranked among the top 20 in the world (2010 estimate)
Holy shit what the fuck are you guys still doing attached to this bloated brown corpse of a country

A bit too kitschy desu. Could you tone it down a bit?

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The problem is the northeast

No, retard.

I'm not white but I'm no shitskin either, I'm more of a diarrhea type, but a very specific type, the one where you had diarrhea for 3 days already so you just stopped eating to make it stop already but it didn't and now you're just shitting a very light brown water. That's my skin color.

Why dont you just secede though
Try to make your own country seperate from the North