What is your nose type? Is it true that most north-blondes-finnougric peoples have upturned snub nose?
What is your nose type? Is it true that most north-blondes-finnougric peoples have upturned snub nose?
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Im have upturned nose
mine is like the button nose on the left. northwestern euro heritage
Button left
Best type of nose.
like the roman nose but with a little bit more prominent ridge
Yes, it is an Mongoloid feature and hence why NE europeans have it.
The most terrible nose is a crooked nose like a Semmit.
Mix of grecian and upturned
Attached lobe
European hunter-gatherer feature
0-15y. upturned
15-19y. hooked
The superior Hooked
literally me
I am a Greek
Meant years old.
You will notice the WHG did not have any upturned snob Mongoloid noses, not even in your picture.
Or I'm Finnish. Even my friends said I looked Finnish and while I was in Finland somebody spoke to me in some germanic language. Am I a Nordic rape baby or some shit like that?
Most blondes I saw had an upturned thin nose.
come home snownigger man :)
Upturned and hookpilled
We don't have anything else than pig nose tittus gigantus variety.
Neolithic farmers brought in other kinds of noses.
Left and right button, and upturned nose most common among representatives of Finno-Ugric and Baltid appearance
Pig nose
Lmao I'm coming back as soon as possible
Norwegian, some sami, some finn (probably).
Upturned nose very slightly. But much longer ridge.
have blue eyes, dark blond hair that was light blond when i was a kid, but also have a hook nose
am i aryan or nah?
WHG and Neolithic farmers would have had the same types of noses.
This Mongoloid nose is neither EEF nor WHG. You can see that even from the front you can tell this is not at all similar to the reconstruction you posted.
upturned :)
unironically hooked nose
Soft Angled, Roman , Pointed.
am I roman or hooked?
I have straight and short nose.
This is an upturned nose.
>upturned nose
>does not upturn
It's flat and wide, I'll give you that similarity. See >104300796, an actual upturn nose, surprise, upturns.
the most common "northern" nose
I'd say roman
That's a snub button nose.
I noticed that the europeans have a sharper and more straight nose, while the northerners have a nose that resembles an arc
Its potato nose. wide noses look ugly. sharp and thin wear look beautiful
Can't even imagine how shit it would be having an upturned nose
Mine is upturned
Never mind, the long button nose is most similar to mine. 2nd most similar is upturned
I can't fucking tell, it's either hooked, aquilline or roman. They all look the same to me.
aquiline ;_;
My nose is like the one on this picture
t. scandi rapebabby
Its probably the best nose to have unironically
How so
Halfway between aqualine and upturned
There are hundreds of nose varieties.
Is a combination not possible?
Anglo-Cambrian atrocidad genética reporting in.
that's a big nose
Only on girls.
roman and droopy
upturned and pointed ear
this, except with curved eyebrows
I have upturned nose, yet I'm not wh*te.
angled eyebrow, roman nose, pointed ear master race reporting in
Which ear shape is this?
Mines not really on there. Maybe somewhere between aquiline and roman.
rooman that was mouth breathing all of his life
Curved eyebrows
Roman nose
Attached lobe
You're the only droopy I found in this entire thread. I don't know what to make of our nose type, brother.
Roman, midway between button and upturned.
Amerimutt of mostly Italian ethnicity (one parent was fully Italian), other half Swedish(25%) Irish, polish and probably some other shit.
Also square ear and curved brow.
Flat eyebrow, roman nose, attached lobe.
I got a nigger nose, which is not seen on the list.
upturned button nose
Mine is hooked, for some reason
Upturned aquiline I guess?
I have an Incel nose. Incel eyes, Incel ears, incel everything.
>angled eyebrows
>hooked nose
>probably pointed or round free lobe ear
How will we notice that? It's just a hole.