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How popular is anime in your country?
Luke Hall
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Julian Thomas
very popular among virgins in their 20s
Robert Harris
Quite popular, but mostly of "normalfag" animes like dragon ball and saint seiya that are well known almost anywhere. But we do have our huge share of otakus
Gabriel Anderson
Slovaks don't really have this mentality of getting hooked up on stuff. So it's just out there, pretty much everyone seen one but when it comes down to it it's just there. (Thankfully)
Evan Morgan
This. City based degenerates with rich parents.
Christopher Foster
I would say pretty popular. Most of them are shounenfags, especially Naruto for some reason. Either that or maybe Detective Conan, Doraemon, One Piece, Dragon Ball or other shounen crap.
John Fisher
Very popular among teenage girls
Heh, see ya later, virgins
Cooper Clark
it is completely normie to talk about one piece
Brandon Peterson
very popular.
we watched anime dubbed in Arabic.
Aaron Hernandez
there are around 5-10 adult "people" who watch that shit in the whole country
dbz was pretty popular when i was like 12-13
Nicholas Flores
This. As Mikszáth wrote, they are the people of the mountains, cold, frugal, petty and without any deep emotions or passion. They are just like their beloved rocks.
Christopher Wilson
It wasn't very popular but Italy brought the troyan horse to europe when they dubbed Madoka. Now is everywhere, netflix doesn't help either
Daniel Scott
Very popular. most people hide it though.
Logan Lewis
not popular at all
Levi Watson
Besides some 14yo girls and me and my friends not so much
Brayden Walker
Not popular at all
Ayden Hill
it's... popular
Luke Edwards
ohayou gozaimasuuuuuu
watashi wa DIKUSHI-CHAN desu!
Adrian Roberts
Normalfags watch shounen shit
Girls read yaoi shit
Basement dwellers watch moe shit
Shitty anime is very popular here
Jackson Robinson
zoomer redditors love it
Jackson Nguyen
Isn't France where anime and manga are the most popular in Europe?
Chase Young
I think it is. It's extremely popular here, even to normalfags
Anthony Ramirez
yes and i really wish it wasn't
sometimes its as bad if not worse than in hispanic countries
Nolan Robinson
Yes, but only bad anime/manga
Ayden Lee
Manga is popular too right? I read something about that.
Bentley Bell
Jackson Bailey
only onepiece and onepiece is mainstream
all other is considered subculture otaku weebshit
Easton Brown
Not popular
Jaxson Campbell
Well.... that was interesting
Brandon Lee
user, Anime had been a big thing since early 90s thank to Captain Tsubasa (oliver Y Benji), Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya (Caballeros del Zodiaco).
And Italian had been dubbing & exporting anime since 70s. Series like Mazinger, Heidi, o Chicho come here from Spain.
Noah Bailey
You are talking about old anime, I'm talking about "current" anime
Bentley Rodriguez
Gabriel Richardson
Frighteningly popular
Hunter Campbell
basically dead at this point
Brody Nguyen
You get put on a cross, hung upside down on it and then burnt if you're caught watching vile shit like that.
Matthew White
Not really but we have a couple of cons full of degenerates each year but they apparently cost money to enter
Parker Sanchez
All weebs must be hanged