How bad is herpes in your country?
>tfw got HSV-1 only from torrid kissing
How bad is herpes in your country?
>tfw got HSV-1 only from torrid kissing
I don't know I've never had sex
HSV from kissing LMFAO, did you kiss a slag?
My word of advice is to never engage in sexual activity with any women you just met, if you cannot control yourself when you're drunk then never drink too much.
Got oral HPV-16 and Candida from doing oral on an American woman
I got a single cold sore the day after I kissed a chick in a party. If only I knew she was a town bicycle I wouldn't have done it.
My life is fucking ruined by one single bitch.
Man I'm sorry, that sounds really bad
Hpv1 is fine retard
I can't go picking
I don't have anything because I'm a virgin :)
I know someone who got some because his aunt drank from his glass or bottle or something I don't remember
There is a reason we used to kill whores.
Any kind of herpes is never fine. If you have herpes, you have it forever. How would you like knowing that your partner have a herpes without her telling you?
If you are young then you have to pick your girl carefully. Stop visiting those >tfw no gf threads because to be honest you could easily get any girl if you start improving yourself first.
No, I can't get any girl, I need to get whatever comes in my way retard, I usually try to avoid fatties and that's it, I can't pick or choose women I'm not handsome
I have this shit every autumn.
Get physically, financially, and mentally fit then confidence comes after. We may be judged with our physical appearance by any girls 80% of the time but in the end it's always the personality that stands out. Only whores like mentally immature men who's only attractive appearance-wise but never gets his shit together.
I would be fine since I probably already had it too.
>some 80 to90 percentof humans experience oral herpes infections by 10 years old
I've had 8 different penises in my mouth and so far no herpes
Oh yeah of course, let me just stay 5 years improving and having 0 experience with women, then I'll get a beautiful near virgin who's 10 years younger than me
What kind of herpes did you get
If you're really desperate then why don't you just hire a prostitute? You'll learn how to not overvalue sex.
It's pathetic
It's only a matter of principle, it's not like you're retarded enough to tell people you pay to fuck whores.
I don't have herpes and I've been tested for it.
Rest of my class does :(
I'm a Virgin