Sargon running under UKIP

Sargon is now a candidate for the European Parliament.

He'd get a chunky pension even if Brexit happened during his term:

Seems unfair.

Though I'm kind of curious how the EP would handle having a famous youtuber (from the gamergate shitfest, no less) between the mummies, the office drones and the polemicists.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-16 sargon of akkad youtuber - Pesquisa Google.png (300x300, 247K)

he's a retarded pseudo intellectual and he won't get very far.

fucking special needs child

Already admitted he has no chance of winning. Just s stunt and it will probably pay off for him because of the attention it will generate which translates to paytreon subs and youtube dosh.

sceptics strike again

fat shite

>he's a retarded pseudo intellectual and he won't get very far.

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what constituency is he running in?

Imagine him and Michel Barnier in the same room

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T retarded pseudo intellectual

Is UKIP just a meme? I can't imagine how pissed off I'd be if I were an unironic supporter of that party and they sabotaged themselves running incompetent internet retards as candidates

Entirely, Farage is running as part of a different party now.

lol sargon is 1/8 black/indian (from some some island like tristian de cuhna or some shit)

what a MUTT

here he is with a true BRVTUSH BVLL fucking everyone in sight! SURVIV DA JIV

Attached: Anglo and part black anglo.jpg (900x1200, 159K)

it was always a meme

He's a cute Bear

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Upvoted my fellow redditors

He won't get very far. Have you even listened to him before? He's a retarded pseudo intellectual.

retarded pseudo intellectual

hwgvf, rpi

what the fuck was he doing with thomas?
they do not seem to be aligned in any way

Attached: thomas.png (944x504, 635K)

Do people really need to politically align to be friends? looks like they're on a night out or something, maybe they're just mates

The absolute state of britain

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No not at all, I just find it strange that carl would associate with him given how butthurt he is about being mislabelled by the media

Oh I remember this Sargon dude and his epic burn on anteefa.

Attached: sargon.jpg (500x633, 57K)

I guess, he'd probably have a pretty shit life if he made enemies of everyone he disagreed with, my aunt is a raging man-hating dyke who thinks uttering Trump's name is enough to make you a nazi and we get along pretty well, we just avoid that topic altogether

>>Jow Forums

He's genetic waste.
His wife can attest to that, since she aborted his baby.

He's really stupid
he's not very accomplished which is reflected in his cringe pseud videos.

Hope he doesnt get elected but knowing the idiots in this cpuntry he probably will

He's either a bad faith actor, aka did it intentionally.
Or is simply a retard ape, who can't read, which is more likely since he's UK high school dropout.

South West i think, he might not get elected, UKIP is going the way of BNP as people are ditching it for the cleaner image of the Brexit party

>patreon scam artist 'commentator' who made a career out of fleecing his cult-like following trying to get a big gulp from the European tax payer's teat

What a totally unexpected turn of events.

Its grim honestly i hope it doesnt happen but the sad thing about brexit is it probably will

UKIP has fully gone into far right nutter territory and completely abandoned their image as a respectable party for people worried about immigration. Farage managed to keep the party image relatively clean (for how many nutters it attracted) but he left and made the Brexit party as i said here

imagine believing this, this guys totally shackled to the cuck shed

Well it's not like we have to pay for it. His pension will be part of the UK's divorce settlement. So. it will be 100% on the British tax payer.

i think they met by happenstance not intentionally. AFAIK they aren't friends or anything

Running under UKIP
Is the new thing way you'd like to be
I'm just running under UKIP
Come on baby round to me

the brexit party is just a boomer moron party of people that hate the metric system and bikes lanes but love muh commonwealth

plenty of them about and they always vote in elections. The EU elections use the D'hondt system rather than FPTP so they actually stand a chance of getting elected, Farage's EU provided bennies are safe

out of all the things your tax money is used for this is the one bridge too far
importing somalis a-okay but hiring a youtube cringelord sends your nervsystem into a shock?

>importing somalis a-okay but hiring a youtube cringelord sends your nervsystem into a shock?
Where does he say that? You are projecting hard

His pension wont be that big.
Its the payout

Anyone who honestly gives a shit under such a water-under-the-bridge issue is being totally dishonest if he says he gives a shit about anything else

I want to pinch his cheeks

>Or is simply a retard ape
He IS. Keep in mind that his big plan to "Save the West" was to get Trump to mention Gamergate. One or two years after Gamergate stopped relevant. Because fuck the integrity of America's southern border, the Fake News cabal or the Deep State trying to get back at Trump, we need to talk about ethics in video game journalism!

They've kind of always been a meme here, even at their peak. People don't even care about them anymore though, which is worse than bad pr