Do the French really do this?
Do the French really do this?
no, just fake news using advanced CGI
French like to burn their churches
Why do you find it so funny?
I don't find the event funny, I laugh at the way people react to it
if you still didn't figure out it was (((them))), I can't really help you.
We need to get rid of the plague that is judeo-paganism
In addition to the many Muslims celebrating the fire, a large number of progressives and racial minorities from the English-speaking countries are also claiming that France deserves this tragedy
French like dark humor I guess
first picture of the alleged perpetrator
Louis Cachet, french ex-convict and pagan extremist with a history of arson
>people act edgy on the internet for attention
>countless brainlets fall for it, giving them what they want
>low IQ tweets full of emojis and grammar mistakes now symbolize a clash of civilization
God literally couldn't be any clearer that you cathocucks are fucking wrong. Why can't you understand?
If this isn't a wake up call
Why you act like it's a big problem that you share country with these kind of people?
We got one
>use english
None of those people are in France lmao
Sometimes I laugh nervously when I'm about to cry
Doubt it was the case here though
Wow, disgusting. Estonians really aren't nordic.
They're all translated from Arabic
It's written down there
Which by the way proves none of these are French since Franco-arabs can't speak let even write Arabic
Can you stop your racism already. They are French.
It's just retards having a "MOM I'M ON TV MOMENT"
Putain mais...
March is a month of shitting in church
April is a month of burning Norte Dame to the ground
What can we see happen in May?
Dick around and find out, heathen filth
Americans too by the way
You just haven't read Molière
Maybe they needed to build parking lot there? Have you thought about that?
When will you hypocrites stop whining about this?
>Church is property of the state
>Nobody fucking visits it
>Nobody is willing to buy it
>Upkeep is too expensive
>Ergo it's destroyed for something that doesn't slurp tax money like your whore of a mother slurps semen
If you cared so much about it, perhaps you should've donated some money to the church to keep it operational?
>built in 1880
only an east yuro might consider that impressive
>only 100k churches left in france
>this small town of 12k now only has one church instead of two
Woah, Europe is truly over
nothing of huge value was lost
this. It is really funny to me to get a rise out of people by mocking the whole thing and laughing at it
there's like 6 churches older than that within 5 minutes from my house and nobody gives a shit about them
You mean Varg? It is very obviously Varg
Every small town or village has a church like this
>tfw american churches aren't that old
why even live
‘ate churches
luv parking lots
will ignore the bigger picture
simple as
What does some desecration has to do with some church being demolished because it's falling apart you brainlet...
>th-these things aren't related
>there is no such thing as varg he is a myth! a bogeyman!
I don't believe in ghosts
>Place settled in the 1600s at the earliest has younger buildings than a continent inhabited for thousands of years.
Color me shocked