Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

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For fun


What kind of fucking manchild do this

Mom's for their small children

My dad would just tell me to eat the crust and that's it

I do it too

Not sure tho how common is that in my cunt

In the Netherlands people believe eating the crust is necessary to become big and strong.

based and crustpilled

At least, that's what all people say. Eating crusts is a bit like drinking milk, eating peanut butter and eating spinach.

my grandmother used to tell me I had to eat the crust so that my hair would grow curly
I don't know why she though that would motivate me

I would just eat the crust, since it's the best part of fresh bread.

crust is the best part desu

Netherlands is a wise country

Something for children?

Yeah, technically it's just as healthy as other parts of the bread. Pretty much identical.

They cut everything for no reason

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Why don't they buy it without crust

No, that's Brits
Americans shoot everything for no reason

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Americants have very brittle teeth from all the bleaching so they can't handle crusts

The outer layer of plastic is harder to chew on so it's easier to remove it

Bro who does that


Caring mommies do it for their children if asked or for some other reason. After that, it becomes habbit.

In Italy we eat real bread.

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Americans would lose their teeth over it

Ahh, yes, this is good bread

this but unironically


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Mouth shredder

This was unironically


crust is cringe

They don't want smegma on their bread

Wouldn't be an issue if baguettes had smaller radius. Someone should invent bread that has the crust on the inside


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I miss european bread, american bread is trash

You know we make real bread here, too.

This stuff is grim, nice with cheese but doesn't go with anything else, the flavour of the bread is too much

Now THIS is what I call bread.

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He's too stupid to move his head

>can't stomach bread darker than the surface of the sun.

You mean white bread?
This is real bread.

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>eating bread at all
not gonna make it

I always eat the crusts first and then leave the inside for last


No you don't, Italian bread is shit. I mean it's understandable, you don't really use much of it other than eating it with olive and such, but honestly Italian bread is nearly tasteless.

The crust on store-bought white bread is the worst.
It has that middling quality of not being soft like the inside, but not crunchy like real crust on real bread.

that's easy, just wrap dough around a heated ceramic rod.

It's even stupider because it's completely pointless these types of ""bread"" are so shitty and uniform that the crust taste exactly like the center i'm pretty sure they're closer to some sort of paste than to bread

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What the hell is this? It has a semblance of bread but that can't be.

American "bread"

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Mmmm thanks mommy.

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don't care what anyone says, texas toast is based

It has that fresh out the oven taste.

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I have a lot more "food" in my house. Watch out now.

white bread aka beige fluffy candy

I only eat the crust

>soy flour, [...], hydrogenated soybean oil
>soybean oil, [...], soy lecithin
>soybean/canola oil

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Imagine eating wh*ite bread

this is THE BREAD, the only bread.

u guys ever eaten corn flour bread? Tandır is pretty good too

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This. When will people realize wheat bread is the superior?

the crust on american """"""""""""""""bread"""""""""""""""" is inedible

>corn flour bread
Tortillas are traditionally made out of corn (and no Spain, it's not a fucking cake)