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wczyczkyrczk objiczrski

Przeciez latwy jest typie o co ci chodzi

Dude just learn it lmao, like engross yourself in the media and converse with native speakers kek

Because your native language is the ebonics of European languages which underwent two(2) separate and successive processes of créolization that radically altered and simplified its grammatical system.

So, I'm a native myself but I know people who are learning it for around a year now, the biggest problems they face are grammatical cases n things like these, but don't worry I've heard that although it's extremely hard at first after that initial ice is broken it becomes fairly easy (same with other slavic languages)

are you talking about american english or english as a whole? because our english is very similar to that of british standard english, we just changed the spelling of a couple words and pronounce them differently

English as a whole, obviously.

Are you son of Janusz and Grażyna? If not then don't bother, there is no Polish media worth time which is needed to learn the language. It is pretty rare to see american trying to learn new language, don't waste time on meme ones and learn one which is useful.

He's already speaking english, kurwa, let him learn what he wants

Why the fuck would you learn it?

>I learn irrelevant languages for the sake of learning look at me I'm so special!

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i'm moving to poland in a month


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>falling for Jow Forums memes

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for work, i made company with some buddies and we hired a bunch of poles to work for us, but i got ordered to move to poland temporarily to oversee things

He's a Freeman's Mind fan

this too, if i get too meet ross scott i would be so happy

Be careful, he's a moldman now.

wtf is a moldman

Assuming you're not memeing, start learning serious stuff once you move here, it will be much easier with language being actually used all around. And until you learn it you can survive in big city with English alone.

He's mind controlled by sentient mold, which he caught from his apartment.

his apartment got infested with mold and he has been struggling to find a new place to live because he doesn't have polish citizenship and the polish laws say he can't move into a new apartment without special persmission or something so he is stuck in his shitty deteriorating apartment

how is krakow with being english friendly?

Do they sell crack in krakow?

i want to know this as well too

You'll be absolutely fine. I live in Krakow and have contact with quite a bit of foreign students who manage to live here without being fluent Polish speakers. From what I see, in shops and services here English speakers usually also can manage. I'm not sure about offices tho.

I don't know, I only deal with weed

its like russian except in latin

Well thats the majority of Germanic languages except Icelandic which grammar is identical to German. Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, all have very easy grammar, dropped the case system, only 2 genders, etc.

German: eine, ein, einem, einer
Dutch: een
German: deiner, euer, ihre
Dutch: jouw
German: mein, meiner, meinem, meine
Dutch: mijn

Wszyszcze polaki dla nas rosijan to podludzie nie ludzie a podludzie

Już nie ma dobruch polajakow Dobry polajak to je tylko zamordowany polaja

Śmierc polakiem

Warszawa nasza ziemlia daj naszu ziemliju brudny slaby polajk

Based Soviet Jew

uuuuuuuuuuuuu antypolonizm

t. tyfus plamisty

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>makes your understand Ukrainian, Belarussian and 50% of written Czech and Slovak
>irrelevant language

taki mit..

try to listen music in it


unironically russian-polish surżyk (mixed speech)

Dance with me please

Polish lenguage

Pfffff bulshit every master race slav wit the slavic heart can understand this shity lenguage if he know the secret of there lenguage


New generation of polish people are subhumans

Old generation was gold

you can play games in Polish, it shoud help

Kurwa mać, co za chuj

Polish games are known for very poor translations

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grajpopolsku is portal with translations, but don't know is it adopted for non-Polish speakers

but OP probably has a basic level yet

also is there HoMM3 in Polish?

Except for the Infinity Engine RPGs. And Gothic.
Those were top notch.

>also is there HoMM3 in Polish?
Yes, both subtitles and dubbing are available in Polish

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