Am I white in your country?

Am I white in your country?

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Salvini unironically looks like a turk

What is he holding?


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A tiramisù.

he looks like my dad.
except for the beard.

why there's a lot of brown people doing Nazi salute?

> nazi salute

refugee or identitarian?

They are claiming their roman heritage

we wuz rome

Brown people love nazis

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holding up tiramisù isn't the nazi salute retard



Well explains Jow Forums pretty well

Salvini is a Saudi

Attached: mohammad-bin-salman-saudi.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

Not only white but also quite based as well

He would be treated like a white king here

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Whiter than me, Luigi

I want some tiramisu

I like tiramisu but the alcohol is too strong for me sometimes

There are tiramisù without alcohol

I know but I haven't had one without.

uncultured swine

Tiramisu does not contain pork.

Do it yourself, Moishe
It's not that hard

Yes. But if you were FROM my country you'd be assumed to be at least 10% mixed

thankfully Iran will nuke you out of existence soon

WAT??? There's like 2 spoons of rum in the cream

Sadly, yes.

"""white""" latino

>chocolate/speculoos tiramisu
that's why I live for

yes Luigi, you are white

europes destiny
and some dessert


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