Why are slavs so violent?

why are slavs so violent?

Attached: russia-homicide-rate-1875-2018-compared.png (1083x1084, 322K)

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they possess a underdeveloped antagonistic attitude that creates an atmosphere of animosity

basically they all hate each other and want to murder the guys within range

the slav man can only prosper under germanic rule

Not all russians are slav

Dumb mutant

Why are you posting Jow Forums shit all day and every day all around the clock even at motherfucking 4am in the USA.

the blood of rurik is all but spent

it's not even 4 am in hawaii

Because Russia never had an actual system of governance
It only starts to fucnction once a strongman gets in power for long enough to actually set up some pattern of governance where some rules start to imerge, but once he's gone, since everything is tied to one man and a relatively small power pyramid that he created, it all goes to hell and the country goes back to wild west levels of lawlessness. Also, any economical downturn can fuck up this fragile setup and get amplified to hell

Graphic, goes down, nothing wrong with trash wasting itself.

>that soaring from 1986
We will never forget or forgive it to you

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In 1990s the average salary dropped to about $20 per month, so it was pretty brutal. Nowadays we're back to Lithuania's level.

fucking kek

It's already lower than US, and our minorities are overrepresented aswell

>americans bust in with their retarded economic advice
>country goes to shit
REALLY activates my almonds

Why are Americans so violent?

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Based Gorby

Thanks for the pic. It’s perfect for redpilling retarded Russian zoomers on “1990s weren’t that bad”

>shit goes to shit

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>CШA лидиpyют пo кoличecтвy зaключённых в aбcoлютнoм знaчeнии — oкoлo 2,2 млн чeлoвeк нaхoдятcя зa peшёткoй. Этo 25 % вceх зaключeнных плaнeты (бoльшe чeм в 35 кpyпнeйших eвpoпeйcких cтpaнaх, вмecтe взятых, и нa 40 % бoльшe, чeм в Китae), хoтя нaceлeниe CШA cocтaвляeт вceгo 5 % нaceлeния миpa. Cpeди этих зaключённых oкoлo 71 тыcячи — нecoвepшeннoлeтниe. Coдepжaниe пeнитeнциapнoй cиcтeмы oбхoдитcя нaлoгoплaтeльщикaм CШA в 80 млpд дoллapoв eжeгoднo

Attached: 1280px-Prisoners_world_map_png2.png (1280x698, 259K)

Cпeциaльнo зaшeл в тpeд, чтoбы yбeдитьcя чтo хoхoл c бeльгийcким флaгoм чтo-тo выcpaл итт.

americans aren't violent, we're getting a lot of low quality people migrating from central and south america to here

Your zoomers are all capitalists though. They don't even like Stalin which is strange.

Fuck you too

>stalin killed a few millions of russians
>people don't like this georgian
Really, why?

that was merely the inevitability of the system that began with the soviets' conquest of the country. it has been corrected as people with culture replace those without it. Things will improve even more once russians engage in their republic instead of just plodding along under putins and yeltsins that treat the place like their kingdom.

>They don't even like Stalin
>I wonder why, I wonder why

I thought russians loved stalin

Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. All of our political heroes killed millions of Americans in one way or another. Still is good to hear that Stalin is still popular over there in spite of the americanized youths' opinions.

only brainwashed boomers

It's like democrats and republicans.
Putin does things fine. He took some areas back to its original country.

>Putin does things fine. He took some areas back to its original country.
I see you're guaranteeing your safety :^)

>Le Russians love le Stalin meme
Fucking hell

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What was going on in South Africa in the 90's?

Attached: South-Africa-Crime-Stats.png (754x486, 24K)

Freedomz are gud you commie

We have tigers

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>why yes I support neo-liberalism and I’m not brainwashed, how could you tell?

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Im more safe in here than in united shits of kikerica.


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> neo-liberalism

of course you would believe that



>why yes I support communism and I’m not brainwashed, how could you tell?

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Russian Bots

Why are finns so violent? I thought they were civilized.

I don't see you proving anything

and besides, I don't live next to black people, you however do live next to russians


Lmao 2ch style shit posting. Have you done your homework Alesha?

>I don't live next to black people
Just wait, lol

there are only 35M of them

but despite beeing only 13%...


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>why are slavs so violent?
>USA literally the most violent on your own graph
Why are amerimutts so fucking fat and dumb?

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I take offense to your language, we are not poles!

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End of apartheid. Whitoids have been lynched

Come see the violence inherent in the Polish system!

>why yes I support USSR, how could you tell?

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Because Uncle Joe is no more.

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Neck yourself, you shitlord.

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Uncle Joe lives in our hearts user

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>t. кyлáк

>pretending pic related slogans are actually used by USSR supporters
Is it even possible to be as stupid as “Russian nationalist”?

>cлaвa yкpaинe
Other way around.

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The biggest reason I like Russians is because they kill R*ssians more than anyone possibly could do


Nothing wrong with japs massacring your trash people

>the Soviet Union was ba-

Are you one of those slavic nazis that everyone makes fun of?

Jap rule would have been more benevolent than soviet rule by a huge margin.

No, it's my emotion on picture

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Russia is training ground where little sissy boys become real men,or die like the sissy faggots they are, usually violently

You wouldnt last there a month OP

Yes. Feel the power of GT.

The total level of positive attitude of Russians to the figure of Joseph Stalin reached the maximum figure for all the years of research, showed the March poll of the Levada Center. Every second participant of the poll declared his admiration for the leader, respect or sympathy for him (51%).

The most significant growth (by 12 percentage points) fell on “respect” - this is the attitude towards Stalin of 41% of respondents, and it is the most common. The share of those who feel irritation, fear or disgust towards Stalin is three times lower - 14%.

- 66th anniversary of the death of the leader: the day of sorrow, worship, shame, joy and degrading impotence. It depends

Sociologist "Levada Center" Karina Pipia in an interview with RBC explained that the dynamics of public opinion in the 2000s indicates three periods of the predominance of certain assessments of Stalin's person.

In the early 2000s, an approximately equal ratio of positive and negative opinions was noted. In 2008-2014, a neutral, non-judgmental attitude began to prevail, which, according to sociologists, testified to an increased indifference of the population to the problems of Stalinism. Finally, since 2015, the number of Russians who are neutral or negative is decreasing.

The same tendencies are visible on the question of recognizing Stalin’s merits for the country. According to the results of the March study, 70% of Russians consider its role positive, which is a record for all the time of polls. Only 19% estimate its role in the life of the country negatively. At the same time, the level of a positive attitude towards Stalin is higher than that of Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and other former leaders of the country.

Yeah, it would be much easier to rule koreans after killing them almost all its population

Koreans are better than Japs

fuck off

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Both are shit.

You're not Germanic, Celtshit

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Are Balts as violent?

And you retard should be necked

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your point? look at austria. large slavic admixture. and yet they prosper. so did east germany before you fucked it up again.
the czechs are doing very well for themselves under the strong influence of the german economy and as a fellow eu member. proximity to germany is a large indicator of wealth in slav countries. the nazis were wrong superiority doesnt mean our destiny is to exterminate the slavs. it means our destiny it to guide them to civilisation and prosperity so we may stand as equals. its not too late russian friend.

Get your eyes checked

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What is that weird peak in the late 70's-early 80's Russia? It's worse than war time.

I am friendly soy. Whats next?

Wow thank God capitalism saved Russia imagine what would have happened otherwise

We had a bit of a civil war in 1918-1919.

>Sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives for Europe by fighting the USSR for half a century
>Eurofags still unironically praise the Soviet Union
Man fuck you guys.

You're the ones to blame you had most of Europe in your palm after WWII you could have made something great and you didn't.

It's impressively going down but yours are going up, fatty

Seething but pretending to be retarded

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So only Scandinavians are Germanic?

>>Sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives for Europe by fighting the USSR for half a century

we dont fucking praise the ussr also the cold war didnt go hot, you didnt sacrifice a single life for us, maybe for korea but not for us.
not to mention that we would have been the ones doing sacrifices for nato the most if the war went hot. both sides planned to nuke the shit out of germany and have us be the battle ground for conventional war too.


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