
Attached: 20190416_101351.jpg (505x612, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me? I take the train most days

Attached: Class 37 BR Blue.jpg (1485x1107, 241K)


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Never been on a train with the compartments, but would like to try it

Attached: Class 37 EWS Caledonian Sleeper.jpg (640x480, 120K)

stop posting this disgusting insect you autistic virgin freak


wtf where's her hair

in her hands

any Staffordshire man in?

>talking about trains

Attached: 1521569797369.png (628x639, 544K)

This Mom POV channel is fucking insane.

Attached: anal-fucking-big-natural-tits-sexy-amateur-cougar-pov-7.jpg (640x480, 75K)

have been on a few
it means you have to sit next to runts without an armrest and a table to put your laptop for example
not the biggest fan but it must be nice if you’re travelling with friends

looks vile

i think we can stop making porn now, we have enough to last anyone a lifetime

I torrent all their videos

alri lads
doing things

Attached: 1534992146491.png (620x640, 31K)

Yeah, it's more for those vile type of wanks.

the goal

Attached: cosywindow2.jpg (500x281, 48K)

and slave away for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for scraps? no thanks

On a train now
Bloke opposite me has a leather bound book, possibly a bible

Shall be torrenting later this eve

Anyone been to Victoria coach station
what a fucking tip


how well-adjusted is /brit/ and Jow Forums as a whole? have you lot graduated university? do you have jobs? houses of your own? girlfriends?

Don't know what that means, lad. But keep it safe. I only wank once a week now, to porn at least.

*stops you sleeping*

tell him you're sorry about noder daime

/brit/ is failed normie land
A lot of toilers

Failed normie general

On the train home, the chap across from me keeps looking at me funny and won't put his phone down

about to finish university
have a job lined up when I finish
still paying rentberg for the pleasure of survival
had a gf but broke up with her in january

Does signing a few papers and checking in for about an hour or two a week count as work, haha?

60% chance he’s posting here rn


What do you think the Saffer looks like?

This is what I think he might look like.

Attached: thesaffer.png (587x555, 18K)

not true toil



driving the train home

guard just told me about two autists in carriage 4 looool

I posted my pic here 2 years ago, lad. You lot laughed and said that I look like a girl/twink. Won't ever be posting it again.

Attached: saffa.jpg (1024x1200, 70K)

Just won the Shagger of the Year award.

the much vaunted communist utopia

she composed for the London Philharmonic while she 21 and in uni and was the youngest ever Artist In Residence at the Southbank in 2010
what the fuck have you done you horrible little scrote
All of her recent stuff has been pure noise/drone work, outside of the occaisional film scoring, she is definitely not in it as a "careerist"

>shes some Instagram "artist"
she doesnt even have instagram dave you schizophrenic retard

Attached: micachu-gabriel-green4-320x407.jpg (320x407, 23K)

that's unironically going to be us in a few years. trump has openly supported whatever chinese minister who has instituted 12 hour work days 6 days a week. wageslavery is about to get a whole lot worse.

the doctor said i had blood clots but i ain't jamaican man

Working in Preston signal box and my coworker said he heard a driver and guard making fun of passengers over the radio

I wasn't far off other than the weight and glasses.

>4 millions donated by the public for notre dame
>and 400 millions promised by billionaires/companies
and people still think the world isn’t ruled by toilberg

Attached: 1540975097427.jpg (470x689, 32K)


really makes you think

Attached: 002.png (1544x737, 140K)

Not far off, lad, haha. Mind you, this is from 2 years ago.

Attached: 123456.jpg (550x1068, 123K)


>And the sun shines now

He cute

Attached: 1534727934069.png (249x249, 75K)

tarq bastid

interrailer ?

broke: interrail
woke: interracial

Wish I was a little girl

Attached: B728E1246D104620ABBDCB627B1E631D.jpg (350x350, 18K)

Poo at the toil 'ets and catch the later (cheaper) train or just wait and poo at home?



God you’re an odious looking queer
Hope loads of Boer homophobes put you in a coma


Attached: 628F11D0-2E42-440C-8D4F-BB1BDB73FC08.jpg (625x358, 34K)

no amount of art she creates could make up for the damage done to wider society by exposing her face in public

Absolute gayboy, oxford benders type I imagine.


Attached: 244957490.jpg (500x359, 30K)

literally couldn't give a shit about hillsbrough

I imagine the German poster to look like this.

Attached: thegerman.png (587x555, 38K)

Think it's the filename.
You fucking wish you looked like me, lad.

it's for you to decide. I don't know your shit capacity and how badly you need a poo

honey im home
what do you mean dinner isn't ready?

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Attached: 2098C39F-175F-4546-8551-6591BA70AF10.jpg (749x739, 78K)

colleague works at Network Rail, heard there's a bit of monkey business on the trains right now. Some sort of altercation between two nerds outside Preston

draw me

>biggest exporter AND importer

really REALLY makes you think, boggles the mind even

Attached: 026.png (1546x744, 169K)

if age >= 18
print('holy fuck need to jam my cock down this twink slut's throat asap');

have sex

Not a bender, lad. Just like to strike a feminine pose from time to time.

what the FUCK is going on?????
Is it that racehorses are being counted as being imported and exported?
Only thing I can think of and why Hong Kong is so high on the list

Back from outside lads

Attached: Dab pepe.png (554x400, 66K)

shes cute in a Sigourney Weaver kind of way

rough and rugged

Attached: ripley2.jpg (630x925, 85K)

British Transport Police have been called and are en route

Attached: dontknowsomejerseyer.png (587x555, 7K)

my money was thinner than sean paul goatee hair
now jean paul gautier cologne fill the air

Blue eyes. But pretty spot on lad.

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i want to pin you against a wall, kiss where your neck meets your jaw, put one hand under your shirt and the other on your waist and make you squeal you gay cunt

love bigmacs me

not bald

Feeling VERY uncomfortable reading this.

Imageboard not link board.

why are so many benders attracted to feminine looking men/boys

defeats the purpose of being gay does it not


What were the memes that our cavemen ancestors enjoyed?


post the fucking image here or fuck off dickhead

Comfy anime lads