Guys, I’m poor and just fomo’d $50 into LINK 3 hours ago. It’s all I have

Guys, I’m poor and just fomo’d $50 into LINK 3 hours ago. It’s all I have.

Am I a marine or am I not going to get shit out of this?

Attached: BE7D7A45-DA74-4FBB-BC13-47EB33B491D0.jpg (1080x1080, 162K)

How does $1 million sound in 2028?

never gonna make it

What's the best way to make money if you're as attractive as manlet on the right?

how to look like this

Pretty much the perfect bodies. I hope crypto earns me enough money, so I can pursue shit like this

>posts gay pics
No faggots allowed in the marines soldier!

You couldn't have picked a shittier coin. You put it into Link because you believed the faggots who spammed "Link $1000 EOY". Sell your links and choose something else.

lower your BF% thats literally it. those guys are probably not very strong

>are probably not very strong
Cope harder skinnyfat

If you just lower BF you will look like Vitalik....

this 100% . Abs come from diet more so than endless working out. You can't get cut if you eat like shit. Just grab a copy of the 4 Hour Body to get started. It works great.

And what would you suggest?

Relex of course

who are these semen demons

is the body on the right achievable natty?

the answer is to get fat first, then live like that for a year doing exercises here and there. then you cut and you look like the OP picture
just living for a year while being fat will build you that muscle because your muscles will need to get stronger to carry all that fat around 24/7

well that's a life hack if I've ever heard one

Yep definitely.
If you really want it, are under 30 and have good genetics its doable in 2 years.

Let me first explain why $1000 Link will never happen. Link's market cap is now $97.5 million, price is $0.2785. You will have to multiple that by 3589 to get to $1000. Which means the marketcap ends up being 350 billion. Which is over twice of Bitcoin's marketcap. Which is stupid and will never happen.

And now I'll tell you to do your own research. I will not suggest anything and you shouldn't outright believe the shills.

Nah that's bullshit. It will maybe help to grow your calves but that's it.

Is this also why stellar will never reach >$5?

you shoulda bought holo...


can confirm, i used to be a 250lbs fatass then went on a diet, now i have a slender body and huge calves.

They are definitely strong as theres some muscle mass there but you're right that 99% of getting abs is just diet

>he fell for the market cap meme

buy a gym membership. if you're a poorfag then prioritize your spending for protein powder/protein rich food and good nutrition. if you're absolutely and truly cucked for spending then im sorry.

Stellar will not dominate the total market cap. You're an absolute idiot with no knowledge if you really think that.

Shit, I meant Chainlink, but it doesn't matter. BTC will dominate for years to come because of first mover advantage and because it's the most used (shops etc) cryptocurrency.

I've seen skinny-looking asian dudes at my gym lift pretty nutty amounts compared to what you'd expect from looking at them.

Do you actually lift?

your gonna make like 200 bucks, best case; for the foreseeable. try to hustle more money. learn to trade. keep 50% in btc and punt the rest on alts. try not to buy shit and buy at confirmed support. Welcome to your second job mate.

Buy kneepads

howly shoot

Attached: youtoo.png (944x796, 824K)

Sucking dick


It's BMI you autistic neet. They dudes both work out AND eat correctly.

Thanks for this