Why are chinks so buttblasted when they talk about India? Are they just afraid because we will become stronger and the West loves us more? Our food is better too.
Why are chinks so buttblasted when they talk about India...
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You forgot to take the proxy off, lad.
The Taj mahal rightfully belongs to Pakistan though.
No proxy. I was born here because my uncle owns a successful restaurant and gave my parents work for him.
It's because Chinese have no culture anymore. It withered away with Maoism and an obsession with money today. It reflects in the awful movies they make too. They are scared to be Chinese, they want to be strong like Americans. So the thought of competition in 10 years is bothersome
Change ur proxie tech support or boss is gonna cut ur street shitting time
only in their dreams
Throughout their poo history, pajeets needed a foreign power to actually unite them into a real country
Pajeets are nothing without Turks/Mongols/Brits/Muslims they're literal apes in a forest
No, it belongs to the king who built it. But he and his empire, which was admittedly Muslim, are dead now, soooooooo
He’s right you know.
The Taj Mahal is a Pakistani monument surrounded by Indians.
>Imagine the smell
Irrelevant people. Now India is slowly taking over them.
Why do you even bother Hijra fag? The Marathis were in control by 1700
It's 100% ours. Pakis have to pay money and kiss my ass to visit it.
I'm no Bengal dog. I'm a western Indian bvll
Do Pakis seriously believe that pic?
nigga WHAT
It was built by Pakistani Muslim leaders though
He’s a Paki diaspora
Sorry, we Aryan bvlls will liberate it in the name of Islam. Your days are numbered curry-nigs
That is not me
My parents aren’t cousins, they’re not even from the same ethnic group
Not real until 1947, dude. Everyone knew they were of Indian subcontinent origin back then. There was no concept of Pakistani nationhood, only South Asian continentalism. They were Muslim, but they didn't view themselves as outside of India.
>Aryan Bvll
I am of pure Punjabi, Greco-Bactrian, Indus descent. Aryan and Afghan dogs fear me
lol you pathetic cucks are going crazy over the future growth of India. India is developing faster than China did because the Westerners don't hate us like you.
Not even, they were from Central Asia, they’re identity today would be Pakistani.
Ok, I'm of Indian descent and one day India will be very strong. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Like bruh, India is China in like 2005. There's 15 years worth of catching up to do still.
I meant the actual people. The OG rulers were Turkic, dude. They wouldn't claim to be Pakistani either. The concept of Pakistan or even a real unified India didn't exist until Brits cucked the whole subcontinent anyway
Indians have been in Germany for a while. They even had their own SS regiment during WWII.
>Pakistan in 1700
You retarded? Pakistan is a modern creation. There is no Pakistan before 1947.
Indians? Who the fuck loves Indians? You have the same value as subsaaharan niggers, nobody wants you close, nobody can stand looking at you (because you're too ugly), you remind the world of extreme poverty, freely walking cows, shitting in public and food poisoning lmao, the worst of all, you're so motherfucking ugly it's revolting
Chinks are close to you, but at least they actually produce some cheap useful gear
Oh yes I know. Bose had a German wife.
Pic related, with Himmler
Mainland Chinese people are simple. Many of them hate India now due to some border conflict but they can easily forget about this kind of diplomatic issue.
India and China have no conflicts apart from border issues it’s true
>I meant the actual people.
Like the actual bricklayers and stuff? Sure then I agree they were multicultural. But the dedican makers and the people who decided to build the monument were Pakistani. How else would you describe a south Asian Muslim from the west who spoke a sort of Urdu?
>Our food is better too.
Am, Honig?
It's a marvel of Muslim-Indian architecture, Pakistanis are just Muslim-Indians, so it stands to follow that the Taj Mahal might be considered a part of Pakistani architecture. We don't think of Alhambra as Spanish, it's Moorish.
Indian architecture is like Konark
Never heard a chink talk about India.
Do Chinks care about Poos?
Actually, Iranians and afghans are Muslim Indians. Pakistanis are 100% pure rapebabies.
No, but their government does.
Makes sense, don't they have disputed territory?
And the Meenakshi Amman Temple down South.
Thank God we’re irrelevant so barely any westerner visits it.
I loath China.
I like India.
I think it's a tragedy that some of the most famous Indian places are of muslim origin. Not that muslim origin is a bad thing but that India is a hindu nation. The north really did get cucked. You have hindu and buddhist places to visit in the South and East/North East yet not a lot of people visit them, much less the north east.
Instead the majority go to shitholes in the cow belt.
Urdu is a hindustani language. It's just Hindu except more Persian rather than Sanskrit, dude. My grandparents could all speak Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu because of how close they were little training. They were just Muslims, dude. India has just as many muslims as Pakistan does today and they still call themselves Indian proudly.
Moors were invaders though, Pakis are still to this day considered South Asian by everyone. You could make the claim that it's a sort of Persian Turkic history, but not Pakistani.
oh shit, it's literally a mosque, I have never thought about it in that way
China rescinded that claim years ago and India has full control over the state. It's like saying Tibet is disputed. You can say, but it ain't true at this point.
>Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession).[14] His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles was Bilqis Makani). The name "Khurram" (joyous) was chosen for the young prince by his grandfather, Emperor Akbar, with whom the young prince shared a close relationship.[14]
I can’t speak for the dead, but I find it hard to believe he would consider himself Indian if he were around today.
>but their government does
it basically means they do
No, it's more of a tomb based on Islamic Persian architecture.
Nigga, listen to him The fact that Pakistanis equate Urdu to their mother tongue is beyond cucked. Pakis should be speaking Persian since the “real” Pakistan were under Safavid rule.
I’m from the South, no Muslim or Mughal or whatever did anything here, I’m giving you a neutral answer. Your people were tricked by Gandhi just like ours. The only “Indian” Pakistan are the ones bordering Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab.
>In 2006, the Chinese ambassador to India claimed that all of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory[2] amidst a military buildup.[3] At the time, both countries claimed incursions as much as a kilometre at the northern tip of Sikkim.[4] In 2009, India announced it would deploy additional military forces along the border.[5] In 2014, India proposed China should acknowledge a "One India" policy to resolve the border dispute.[6][7]
It’s still marked as disputed on google maps and i can’t find anything online to support what you’re saying.
But he isn't around today and Pakistan wasn't in his day. His mon was fucking Rajput, dude. This is pretty extreme straw grasping, dude
We don’t want foreigners to visit them. Poverty tourism in the North brings more money to India than tourism to religious sites and temples.
I genuinely don’t want actual live temples to be turned into a tourist attraction for white travellers. I go there to pray, not so I can see autists record it with a go pro stick. Keep that stuff to the half destroyed relics in the north, thanks.
This pretty much. China don't like the fact that India is giving refuge to the Dalai Lama and other Tibetans.
Urdu isn’t the “mother tongue” of Pakistan, I agree with you.
I looked it up and the languages back then were a hot mess so I’ll drop the language argument but I still stand by what I said here here:
Stop saying dude so much.
>that whole post
You try to sound righteous but you're probably a dumb cuck. Temples don't close their doors to people based on their skin color/ nationality/ etc...
Bro, just gotta calm it, buddy. That shit ain't an problem, senpai
>Temples don't close their doors to people based on their skin color/ nationality/ etc.
They do if they’re visiting to take selfies and blogging inside. Like I said, keep that to the half ruined monuments in the north.
Chandrasekhar was a Tamil Brahmin born in Lahore. He came back here after the Partition and won the Nobel Prize.
It went to India, not Pakistan.
Your argument is weak.
It doesn't matter what China says. It's like India saying Java is theirs. But Indonesia has full control over Java and the people identify as Indonesian. The people in Arunachal Pradesh identify themselves as Indian and the government of India has full control and autonomy over that state.
This isn't like Kashmir where all three of China, India and Pakistan have a piece of the pie.
Much of the commotion over AP was caused due to India considering Tibet a separate state and because they harbor Dalai Lama and other Tibetan people.
Generally speaking, if you wanna ever experience real Tibetan culture, Himachal Pradesh or Sikkim is the place to do so, not Tibet because, like in the case of Arunachal Pradesh, CCP has full control over Tibet.
>Temples don't close their doors to people based on their skin color/ nationality/ etc...
If they're worshippers there eejit. There exist tourist temples, churches or whatever else but most normal places are only exclusive worship places so gormless retards who dont believe in the religion at all and just gawp and faff about because it looks neat SHOULD be rejected.
To add on to that, China has repeatedly said that they will drop claim to AP if India recognizes TIbet as part of China.
Yeah idk the specifics I’m sure you’re right but the leaf claimed China rescinded the claim which is what I want a source on.
You’re the half Indian guy from that thread about caste a few weeks ago. Whose Indian in your family? Mother or father?
If it’s your father, then sad he married a Mexican instead of a white person lel
lol, what the fuck man
You're mentally ill
CRINGE fuck northies and fuck their obsession with caste
>and the West loves us more?
WTF are you talking about, Mehmet?
India was anti-West and pro-Soviet during the Cold War and even today India votes against the West and with Russia on issues like Crimea and Iran.
India doesn't give a fuck about what the West thinks. Only Realpolitik matters.
I'm not half.
mmm, what style?
Cringe and yikespilled