I'm so sorry that we didn't torture and then exterminate every single one of you...

I'm so sorry that we didn't torture and then exterminate every single one of you. I mean what did you even contribute to the world? Violence, poverty, eternal butthurt and shitty inmigrants. What a sad pathetic waste of land.

Attached: mexico-ciudades-violentas.jpg (1120x581, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What do you mean? Your ancestors never left the shitty peninsula, unless they were sailing overseas you have nothing to do with us.


good point. Modern europeans are descendants of little pussies who didnt have the balls to sail across the ocean and pound some native pussy.

Stop breathing.


Attached: tiraflechas.png (1620x926, 1.22M)

stop leeching off Germany, France & Italy gibs

why is that Spaniard screeching on the ground?

Can you imagine a world without Latin Americans?
>no more mutts with daddy issues
>no more butthurt
>no more pinches gachupines aprendan a aser dovlajes jajhjash hablan como el orto

Nothing wrong about that statement though. You're indeed brown moors.

Attached: spaniards.jpg (1300x956, 185K)

What has Spain ever contributed to the world except creating poor and violent countries?

>Nothing wrong about that statement though. You're indeed brown moors.

Attached: 1999168.jpg (369x400, 94K)

But youre brown

Really makes me think

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>Counting a HABSBURG monarch that happened to rule over spain as a spanaird
Dude, the HRE was never spanish

Imaginad como seria nuestro mundo si alguien pudiera viajar en el tiempo y matar a Colón, lads.

Attached: Joseph-Klibansky-Over-Grown_1181_607_95_s.jpg (1181x607, 471K)

>North spaniards are not white
Really makes me think about other spanairds

Shouldnt you be swinging in trees?

get out of my thread you fucking mutts

Shouldn't you be seeking a job?


Brown, bald, swarthy, jobless, moor rapebabies.
Yet they pretend to be racist. Fuck those cunts.

No im comfortable in my bed sleeping all day to be honest,much more comfortable than sleeping in tree branches thats for sure

It's not my fault you crashed your own economy.
Should've had invested a bit of the money you adquired during the colonial era instead of throwing all of it into the trash

>Brown, bald, swarthy, jobless, moor rapebabies.
Yet they pretend to be racist. Fuck those cunts.

Attached: Hoygan.jpg (500x332, 70K)

>Your ancestors never left the shitty peninsula, unless they were sailing overseas you have nothing to do with us.
And that's why we current Spaniards owe you nothing.

>only 6 posters itt

Hahahaha the absolute state of the modern spaincuck.
No wonder Spain get's poorer every day. Half of your colonies are already wealthier than you

The brown moor rapebaby vs brown moor rapebaby’s rapebaby threads are my 2nd favorite after the gook vs nip threads


Attached: 1555295497798.jpg (392x331, 25K)

>Half of your colonies are already wealthier than you

low iq ape literally 0 colonies are richer than us,keep seething monkey

Attached: nigger ape.png (1653x719, 94K)


this, and I am happy to be able to be part ofit

greek vs turk and nip vs gook are also great


but brazil is above spain? lmao

I could swar that both Argentina and Mexico were wealthier...
btw is right. How does that makes you feel spanicuck?

Attached: 1392129010518.jpg (900x600, 100K)

that awkward moment when nigger ape is above you

You forgot, they also are huge faggots

>Spanish colony

Either way living conditions are better in Spain and if anyone had to choose between spain and brazil everyone would choose spain so

Attached: brainleto.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)

Those are gypsies

There are like 200 million brazilians, it would be pathetic if they weren't.

did i say it was, you shithead?

>Mexico and Spain are richer than the netherlands
Yeah right

This. I don't even know wtf they're fighting about now.

Spain 21 in living conditions while brazil at 62 lmao,were does all that income go moneky? Surely not to the citizens. Enjoy living in a literal 3rd world country

Few hours later they were at a mexican club doing coke and sucking a big fat mexican dick.
Of course, their shy affeminated spanish boyfriends will never know it.


212milion brazilians
46 milion spaniards


Only a tiny minority of these 200 millions are responsible for 90% of our GDP


>Being proud of being in the 21 position..

Yeah no,spanish girls just dont like short brownies. Mexican women on the other hand DO lust for Iberian cock,they go as far as to suck our dicks for jobs when they escape their third world shitholes

lol cope

Attached: mexican.jpg (237x212, 8K)

Yes, but also brazil is 10 times bigger than spain and have way more natural resources and pleb workers to produce stuff.

>pinchis gachupines jahjahsajsa se creen blanquitos y son morooooooos kasjahsjahs no saben doblaaar

Attached: 1505123144583.jpg (960x678, 255K)

Massive fucking COPE
How metzisto are you?

Who are you to speak about short brownies?
Spaniards are both short and brown
>,they go as far as to suck our dicks for jobs
This is called prostitution. They're not doing it because they like spaniards, but because it's the only way to gain money in a jobless country.
Spain has millions of pleb workers doing nothing right now, and they had even more resources than us when they had a empire, but they weren't smart enough to use it

Attached: _61263611_hi015188096.jpg (976x549, 132K)

Cope with what? I don't know literally any native Spanish person looking like that. Is a Brazilian going to tell me how people from my country look like? Come on...

>Spain has millions of pleb workers doing nothing right now
people would rather get gibs than do slave work, that's what arabs are blacks are for.
Considering your GDP you are not using them good either.

Attached: pepesi.png (472x574, 276K)

That’s the top 10th percentile you fucking monkey.

Listen dude if i wanted to talk to animals id go to the zoo,now dont bother anwering back because i have better things to do


netherlands are smaller than croatia, they have one of the highest gdp per capita in the world and they have 2x less people than spain

>i have better things to do
like taking a nap

>tiny minority
A tiny minority of foreing investors which btw Spain is the second biggest investor in Brazil


Attached: sleep.png (697x642, 41K)

We only want white cock. Sorry
t. girl

Your ancestors were busy being raped by arabs while english and french were introducing china and india technology to the rest of europe, it's ok.

Why you made this thread then?

That's not how investments work user.
They only invested because they found a way to profit

lo que hemos obtenido a sido por nuestra cuenta mientras que ustedes dependen de la union europea y aun asi su pais se esta hundiendo jajajajaja, nuestra economia esta creciendo.

This. At least we have jobs

>nuestra economia esta creciendo
no por mucho tiempo

Attached: peron franco.jpg (770x433, 75K)

it won't be 'creciendo' any more when we cut off your remittances, Tlaclxacloc

When will that happen? After you finish the wall? Oh wait...

one didn't even need to do that, rather some Quebecois ladies

On the Spanish side of this pic where is the second to bottom row? It looks gorgeous.

Why are you mad about spic colonies and spic countries, really?