multiculturalism sure is great bros
Multiculturalism sure is great bros
for what?
gee wizz, its not as if its because the majority of blacks are working class who have been racially segregated in cities for the past 200 years in poor living conditions because our government doesn't give a toss about housing or workers rights
>buttblasted redditors in 3, 2, 1...
This isnt Jow Forums we respect all cultures and people here
>'working' class
I live in the North and I've never seen a black younger than 30 do nothing but scrounge. And its not like any of them are going to live past 30 with all the fucking gangs. Maybe just entitled southern tripe.
stop importing more pakis and nigerians and import more indians
He can report you for reporting you reported. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start ;)
Nice joke
That doesn't justifies murdering random people at all. If anything, that reinforces segregation as rational "need".
In the Netherlands we didn't even have blacks before 70's.
And they follow the exact same education as us.
Guess what? They are still shit.
He is just stating a fact. That multiculturalism doens't work. Back to Gaya if you don't like free speach
how did the english become so cucked?
Enoch Powell was right, he knew what was happening
> We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population.
> It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.
> So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.
60% - 70% of British supported his speech. The media and an elite group killed the voices of the masses. There is your democracy
Are Americans retards? I've found in most threads they are incomprehensible in all circumstances.
I thought he was pretty comprehensible
Just because multiculturalism doesn't work doesn't mean in its not the right step forward for humanity to progress. The creation of almost every powerful nation was bloody with the rise and all of their empires and this is simply the ugly process of creating a global empire
Im sorry, what?
Maybe if he didn't talk like a posh faggot I would take him seriously
yes but they didn't have niggers
you put niggers into the equation and you have Detroit tiers of shit
Cant deny that, he was my areas MP and we're REAL cockney in the west midlands. (If you're not a upper/middle class tosh.)
You see murder as black culture?
He's not wrong...
Holy shit that is sad
what kind of name is that
Did you know that despite being 13% of the population blacks commit 100% of the crime?
The americas always had nogs so did the islamic caliphates
muricans eh