>2011 was 8 years ago
2011 was 8 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
>wrath of the lich king was 11 years ago
>k-on was 10 years ago
But it feels like 8 years ago, I more impressed at the fact that 2014 is so long ago
>Halo 3 was 12 years ago
>the birth of Jesus was ~2000 years ago
Why are amerimutts so disrespectful? Why do they hate the Son of God?
>Remember coming home from school and grouping up with my 2 friends to do our daily progress to level 60
>That was 15 years ago
>My life hasn't changed much since
>Realise I'm living a static, non-existence excuse for a life
Remember seeing some lad have it in his forum signature almost 10 years ago when I was 11. That's how I found out about it but I wouldn't watch it until a couple of years later. How this decade has flown
>Doom 2016 was 3 years ago
this kills me
>2016 was already 3 years ago and it feels like nothing changed
we're going home boys
no way fag
Pretty hype, but I fear it just won't be the same
>2004 was 25 years ago
played some Halo custom games on my brothers xbone with a bunch of strangers from the Halo community. it was the most fun I've had in recent times. I hope to God the PC community is as retarded as Xbox. What am I talking about, I they're even more autistic, so it should be a blast.
>10 years ago was 20 years ago
>as a kid a would jokingly say my grandpa was 100 years old because he was the oldest in my family behind his father
>tf great-grandpa died 6 years ago and grandpa is approaching his 90s
>another "old-as-fuck millennials discover time" thread
>I would*
>gta v is almost 6 years old
>There will be a time we grow old and wonder how we got so old so quick
>So far in time we have forgotten what it was like being young, without the limitations of aches and pains
>We'll look back as this time in as just a glimpse in our memory
>There is nothing that can stop this, and is just a fact of nature
>Kill La Kill was 6 years ago
>this video turns ten years old in a few months
I still say "finish the fight halo 3" when I or whoever I'm talking with is about to finish something
these two broke me, fuck
>"finish the fight halo 3" when I or whoever I'm talking with is about to finish something
me and my friend also do this shit
>2017 was 2 years ago
>Skyrim was released 11/11/11
Will TES VI be released before it turns ten?
hit me in the feels
You will be the next, zoomer.
it's mostly people who wasted like a half of their current life (like me)
iPhone ā4/Sā
in a similar thread on /v/ the other day, someone posted picrelated. The significance of picrelated is that I first saw it in 2012 when it was used to make fun of 90's nostalgia. Now I see it and it has taken on a much more grim meaning
Idk, steam is retarded
People will probably report you for saying faggot
>I could have invested in bitcoin ten years ago
This. Fuck.
Only 9 years until the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028
I did have some bitcoins around 10 years ago can't remember precisely, but I thought of it as a gimmick and forgot about it a month later, including all logins and wallets I've had.
>13 years ago
PS3 launched 13 years ago
they wouldn't have worked anyway unless you were remembering to update the wallets through all the recent forks
the memes in 2014 about people dumpster diving for their old hard drives trying to find wallets were before the BTC-BCH fork and the other forks after that
Well that's comforting at least.
The Wii is older than the N64 was when the Wii was released.
This does not happen. Nobody cares and they say whatever they want, and everyone knows steam doesn't do anything when anyone is reported for anything. Steam lobbies are basically no mans land.
nah, I call people faggots on csgo all the time
I seriously once looked into bitcoin when it was so new that it was something like $10 for 10 bitcoins or something. I wanted to buy them but I was too brainlet to understand how the fuck the wallet shit worked and I didn't have my own credit card back then and didn't want to ask my dad to use his for some shady sounding thing.
Not that it really matters, my dumb ass would have sold them all for $100 out of panic when their value grew. No way I'd have held on until the $19000 days.
>these digits were 0 seconds ago
Only the steam forum has strict regulations. Anything else is accepted when gaming online. This isn't fucking miiverse.
>it'll be June in two more months
Wtf what are still even doing alive
that's cause 2011+8=2019
it adds up
couldn't you merge that fork back into the master branch? i bet you just need to know how to submit a PR for that
Where did the time go?
*sad honk*
>for ages people kept saying that 2012 was the end of the world and it always seemed so far away
>now it's been 6 and a half years since
i don't understand
if you take 11 from 2011 and combine with 9 from 2019...
you get 911
Skyrim will be older than Morrowind was when Skyrim was released
god i missed the doomsday shit
People will call you niggerfaggot in CSGO and that's a valve game.
It all went downhilll after 2008.
>Remember a joke I made to my parents on December 21st, 2012 about the world not ending
>Feels like 2 years ago at best
>It was over 6
I still automatically assume 2002-2004 whenever someone says "10 years ago". Can't cope with the time passing.
>Panty and Stocking second season please
>K-ON! movie was 7 years ago
Feels like 3 years at most.
well in the heart this thread is killing me inside
it doesn't feel so old honestly
>born in 2001
>finally able to say that without getting banned
feels good man
>2009 was a fucking DECADE ago
>Jow Forums hasn't been good since 2009
>the first time I stuck both my thumbs up my ass was 2 weeks ago
Wow, time flies