Is it dying?
lmao i hope so
Yes. My normie friends have been deactivating their accounts for months. I don't know why everyone is so surprised.
like u crypto fgts call it, 'a dip'
fucks sake, youre all retarded kys
stay mad zuck
this is only the beginning. which company crashed some weeks ago again?
We can only pray. S.
Bitcoin is
Hope this stupid shit goes to 0. Fuck them.
Doesn't Facebook own Instagram?
It was never alive. People, especially (((them))) have the cheek to call crypto a bubble
and Oculus
Yes Instagram props up Facebooks value
They do but Instagram needs to get its shit straight too
Hope so, leftists are gonna get BTFO.
analysts say now is a good time to buy this dip because it'll inevitably climb. Their quarterly earnings report wasn't even 'bad' as you'd call it, just not as good as expected i.e. 11m new users instead of 11.5m, 0.1% decline in systematic users etc. But yeah the stock won't climb and i've read many investors including Soros dropped facebook and have gone long into twitter.
Reminder that facebooks acquisitions include snapchat, instagram and whatsapp. These services are not widely used (yet) by boomers so they still have that exclusive 'cool' factor.
TLDR: buy fb & twitter stocks now (and amazon,Q2 earning report due tonight, expectations are good).
Snapchat is a public company, not owned by FB
you are right my bad
Should I sell
sure like a rock bro
Thank Christ they are seperate from Faceberg
It's still dropping.
Would it be worth to buy right now and get an easy +-15% tomorrow and dump it again?
Good reply. I'll wait with Amazon until after the crash coming October.
No worries, the gov will bail them out because they're too improtant to fail.
It's just the sell off starting.
More companies will follow. Also they are after zuckie personally now because he fucked with the big boys.
What shitcoin is this?
Which company had a similar crash just some weeks ago, can anyone help me out? Thx
I'm buying for a quick buck.
Will post the wojaks tomorrow.
No, there are virtually no competitors to fb
Har har har
Name its biggest competitor
Thats right, you cant.