ITT we terrify Americans
ITT we terrify Americans
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that does look kinda terrifying if you never encountered a big roundabout like that before
waste of space
it's the safest possible four-way design
my recent hospital bill, pic related
>gun-free zone
Good american = dead american.
This also applies to anglos.
>but muh wait tiemzzz
We have those here. Try harder losers.
>N-No!! I don't the dildo!!
your entire archipelago is a waste of space
I agree with japanese-san here, I hate roundabouts, no one ever learns to take them properly
A roundabout? We have plenty of those over here.
there are little over 5000 roundabouts in the entire US,why is this?
it saves lives, no other argument is really necessary.
>I have no word for this
People are replaceable, time isn't.
maybe if you're third-world brazillian, but not here.
Lol, New Englanders are weird. But seriously America is a very isolated country so there are many things we don't about the outside world in general and things many of us don't have words for but I've driven through many roundabouts in my time.
This scares and confuses Americans
Reminds me of science classes back in high school.
>Try harder losers.
they won't, they can't, dumb shit is all they have
but it makes them feel better about living in their countries
You'll have to compare our taxes too.
Лyчшe бы чтoбы oни yмиpaли блять
Found it, pic related is what I was taught in my class to remember every unit.
>but it makes them feel better about living in their countries
this is why we get....
>why do americans
>do americans really
>ameirca this
>america that
all fucking day and night
Not where they are needed. roundabouts in the us are placed in most retarded places
>mobile site
Fuck off phoneposter
when does the america obsession end?
Most of the time I see them in really quiet areas admittedly but you can't really fit them in big cities like New York either, not enough space on the streets.
We have those.
I think they would be happy to eat some real cheese
pretty neet that you don't have to pay tax in America
Don’t get why this would terrify Americans in particular as we’ve plenty of roundabouts?
When you stop being different
>When you stop being different
Every country has its own unique practices though? Why go after us?
Good point, not sure why I thought the prospect of eating anything would scare them
we have real cheese
nothing in this thread makes sense or is reality
every country is different, fuck off with this dumb shit
>Why go after us?
>single out america, the board
this is what Jow Forums is now
I get this is trying to be a fun post but genuinely how often do you think about America
This is a serious question I want to learn about the european psyche
>a mnemonic for this
The absolute state
Literally nobody lives in the green they barely have infrastructure
>how often do you think about America
when they are sleeping
when they wake up
when they work
it's sad
all day
every day
it's fucking sad as fuck
Jow Forums is now usa vs. the world
Sad desu. Still better than the 50 generals going on right now though.
How else do you make a 10 year old memorize formulas they will only use for one class in their life? As I said America is very isolated in many ways and we have our own unique practices in many fields, which is actually our greatest strength.
At least we have shootings
>Sad desu
no shit, it needs to end
do you know how to put sage in options?
Not supposed to announce a sage retard, stop getting so mad anyways.
who cares
look at all the wasted land
>announce a sage
that is for when you sage and nothing else, dummy
you just bumped this shit thread to page 1, fucking idiot
the options field is there for a reason
i read that americans dont know how to use roundabouts and stop in the middle of the roundabout to let people enter it
holy shit they made a roundabout where the people from INSIDE the roundabout have to give way wtf
americans pay more per capita into their healthcare than any other nation
your government literally subsidizes the healthcare industry, but you don't get to use it unless you pay for it. you have to pay for it twice. and it's also more expensive. ya'll got played.
uncut penis
What if I don't want to sage?
Half our population gets free coverage through both Medicare and Medicaid combined, the only solution is to euthanize all the boomers.
it's not even useful to differenciate deca from deci
then you're a retarded piece of shit that is helping kill this board
this used to be a good board
did someone say HEALTHCARE
Now for something that GENUINELY terrifies the Euro
what the fugg
why doesn't the republican party just stop shitting on obamacare. it's like the german system, so it's really good.
delete Jow Forums
can't say I think people need to be able to take a rifle into something as uninteresting as a dennies for the fuck of it
damn those school shooters must have been repeating the same year for a while...
>it's like the german system
HAHAHA I wish... My Dad has to pay hundreds into it every month but doesn't get any coverage whatsoever because he is not poor enough for it apparently. Only the ghetto blacks get it and most offices don't accept it anymore so most people who have it don't even get to use it. About 20 years ago 90% of people were covered just fine but a certain president decided to fuck us in the ass in several ways.
Then you don't really believe in the second amendment. Thank god for Arizona, Alaska and Vermont.
I'll be honest, that roundabout looks a bit confusing.
The roundabouts that I see and use only have one lane, while in OP's image, you have two lanes coming up to the roundabout, and one of them merges into the circle, while the other one is for turning. It's probably easy if you're used to it but i'm just saying
We have plenty of rotaries
I have two of those in my town
This is stupid anyway, a traffic circle is one lane and a roundabout has multiple
Spoiler that shit nigger
I could learn to use a gun in about 35 seconds good luck learning to drive a manual car around a double round about with a zebra crossing in the middle at half 5 in the afternoon on a rainy day mongrel twats
You'd break your fingers loading the bullets
It's just stick shift, it's not rocket science.
Ill break your jaw though the screen if you (you) me again jose
You have zebras in the UK?
>WTF having more than 2 parties is socialism, we can't have that!
Based, but it terrifies many other filthy cunts too
I think this one is the safest