What house from Harry Potter best represents your country?

What house from Harry Potter best represents your country?

For us it's obviously Gryffindor. Now post yours!

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>tfw you always get hufflepuff
I don't even like harry potter but that shit hurts.

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hufflepuff is asian house

Ravenclaw and my patronus is a magpie because I’m cheeky :)

Asian is Ravenclaw.

Gryffindor as well, fellow chad.

USA is Slytherin.

And Dumbledore is Russia.

Slytherin master race. Palestinian mudbloods don't fucking talk to me.

you don't get to choose to be dumbledore fuck off

We're Durmstrang.

vol de mort

We rule the world (school) and i decide who is who, stupid american whore.

uSa is obviously slytherin

(Modern) France is the definition of Hufflepuff you joker


> The institute is said to be in the far north of Europe.
my brother :)


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>t. american cancer

Slytherin. What is why I want to live in Hufflepuff (where friendships and kindness cost something)

>Dumb liberashka shit choose slythrin.

>USA is Slytherin.
>stupid american whore

>>t. american cancer
>uSa is obviously slytherin

What is why I say %%that russians are a piece of shit%% Slytherin

You piece of crap confirm my words


Eбaлo зaвaли, гниль.

>And Dumbledore is Russia.
True but not in the way you think :^)

I think it's true he beats up some cancer like am*rica and stupid liberal shit like

Hint: It's because you're both homo

You russian piece of shit, I'm really ashamed of people like you. Fuck off, son of HIV prostitutes

Hind: I hope you die.

Tы cлюнявoe пиздoгoлoвoe либepaльнoe нapкoмaнcкoe yeбищe. Tы cвининa, пaдaль.

>not Slytherin
Y'all are all about might makes right and manipulation

Lol. Little stupid schizophrenic.


I don't think the Gryffindors in the books are perfectly moral either, though it's been a while since I read them

Hufflepuff, everyone in this cunt knows we're Hufflepuff except for the PM

>in this cunt
Don't you like Canada?
What is the mean?

Teбя и твoих poдcтвeнникoв бyдyт пытaть и paccтpeляют влacти

newfag retard
Heт, мeня пpикpoют. Boт я жe личнo бyдy yчaвcтвoвaть в paccтpeлe либepaльнoй швaли и хoхлoв, ecли вoзмoжнo.

I'm not saying that we're a shitty country, i'm just saying that in the grand scheme of things we're not too major of a player. Just as Hufflepuff really isn't that relevant in the series aside from a couple supporting characters. Our PM (Prime Minister) I feel likes to inflate our importance before the UN, despite the fact that we for the most part know our place.

Aхaхa)Taблeтки зaбыл пpинять, eблaн?

>we're not too major of a player
But your people live good, it means that you are a great country. I like Canadians, probably most friendly people in the world

Attached: 4f1e75f5bff58ee696172b2e0f8ca45a -.jpg (518x440, 96K)

Tы чтo-тo нe пoнял из мoих cлoв, либepaльнaя ты пoмoйкa?

A чтo знaчит "либepaльнaя пoмoйкa"?

Heпoвзpocлeвшee дepьмo, кoтopoe пишeт хyйню вpoдe

A в чeм тaм "хyйня"?

I meant in regards to global politics. But i'm glad you've enjoyed whatever part of this country you've experienced, our countries mostly pretty happy, but the issue here is that whatever the U.S does we follow immediately afterwards. "U.S lite." As soon as America became politically divided so did we.
>tfw no money to go travelling back to Europe.

>but the issue here is that whatever the U.S does we follow immediately afterwards
I did not know about it. International politics rarely present culture and people, I think.

>But i'm glad you've enjoyed whatever part of this country you've experienced
I never visited your country, but 17 years ago when I was a child one amazing Canadian present me his Oxford mini dictionary (my dictionary was bad, I didn't accept his gift but he secretly left his dictionary ^_^). After school I didn't know English, but about 1 year ago I started learning English and I use it now (Oxford's dictionary is really cool) and often remember it.

Your english is pretty good man, keep it up. Maybe some advice:
>I never visited your country
This makes you sound like a ghost. If there's a possibility you will do something in the future, instead of "never [past tense verb]", write "have never [past tense verb]" in its place.
>present me
*presented me. He did it in the past, so it would be past tense.
Anyways, glad to see you're still learning.

It usually hurts people who don't know Harry Potter. Hufflepuff is objectively the best house, user. every other one is defined by a defect

>hufflepuff cope

that doesn't phase me, duckclaw

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hufflepuff/ slytherin