This is the future of Islam

And it's beautiful!!!

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Based greek poster. Post more pics of arab girls with BLACK BVLLS

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Mashallah brother. This is the future

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god I wish that were me

What is the future?

Islam is black religion

It's over for ar*b """men""" you have been replaced

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Algerian Muslimas having a party with BLACK BVLLS in France

Mashallah Muhhamad (pbuh) would be proud

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>Tyrone converts to Islam
>becomes Muhammad Shalamaz X Jackson
>marries a dumb white american/european whore
>forces her to convert to islam
>/intpol/ goes full retard "lmao ayrabs btfo xD!"

>that girl
She's quite clearly MENA. Stop coping Ahmed al-Arabi


t. Mehmet Yilmaz


she's a wh*toid or a pale pajeet/paki, Hernandez

t. mentally ill Jewish-Brazilian obsessed with Arabs who shitposts his mental illness 24/7

she's mena with a nose ring. if she were traditional-mena she wouldn't be fucking a nigger anyway.

Nose rings are all the rage among trendy girls. Muhammedettes included.

As far as I'm considered, anyone who wears a nose-ring is a degenerate and an honorary white.

Cope more, leb

amazing how turks butthurt conquered you and made you turk post

Extreme cope on your part, you know that?

>honorary white.
nothing honerable about being a wh*te

there are 3 muhammedettes in my course at college and they all dress like 80 year old women

Are they the hot kind or the paki inbreds?

Fuck this clown world. Women are always degenerate fucking the ugliest niggers for "the BBC".

Bad luck 4 u
Ask a local Nigerian to help you bring them to the dark side

Women view blacks like how men view asians. They see them as both exotic and the typicifications of desirable physical stereotypes of the other race.

how do you know this your not black or a girl nigger?
don't talk about yourself like that nigger

they're like 4 feet tall and completely covered head to toe, fuck if I know

If I was a nigger I would not worry about nothing beyond fucking high class white pussy desperate for BBC like their life seem to be so easy.

Kek true

Do girls in Brazil also go for BBCs? I thought you guys were kinda racist

Are they from Ireland? As in born there?

Hmm... explain this further?

But men see Asians are pure and cute wife material. Women are degenerate fucks that want to be fucked by horse size dicks. Man fantasy with Asians is much more pure and motivated by loneliness and seeing the society call apart around them by hedonism. Even if Asians are just degenerate as everyone else, they want to believe. Women just want to get wrecked beyond recognition by savages.


asian women are flat on both sides

Kinda. Is weird. But there is always some. Usually high class white leftists feminists in colleges have black criminal boyfriends. Black girls from poor class want white boyfriends, since they are Richer. But internal racism is still strong. Rarely you will see race mixing endorsed even in the high class. For example, Fernanda Lima and Rodrigo Hilbert, two famous actors, are blonde. Lázaro Ramos and his wife are both black and prideful of it. So it is weird to explain. Brazilian society is very obsessed with "whitening" the family at poor and middle class families while rich pretend to be progressive, but really are not.

Holy shit..
And yes, everyone can be degenerates. It's part of our reptilian side of the brain.


You mad bro?

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>thicc arab girls getting blacked by black bulls
Fuck bros, thats my new fetish.


Fucking mutts and sluts, they have no honor.

I like how this post just booty blasted all the white cucks itt

>mudslime cope

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Looks like someone's family is a bit inbred huh

>degenerate=decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally.
The only degenerate thing would be to not fuck tyrone and instead fuck a small dicked skinnyfat semi-retarded beta with low cunning.

forgot to mention psychopathic

This applies to Turkic women as well, inshallah

Attached: Turkic women.png (1345x585, 914K)

turkic women were made for black and kurd cocks

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>Faiq Fataly

Look at his avatar closely too

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no but seriously how the fuck are blacks so sexually powerful that theyre literally cucking 2 races at the same time

Because they aren't you just hyper focus on the few cases


White women AND MENA women belong to the BLACK BVLLL






What future ? There have been Black Muslims since the beginning of Islam. I wouldn't mind a Muslim woman marrying a Muslim black brother. Still better than western whores fucking random men on weekends.

Very very very very few arab women go for black men, it's frowned upon. For europeans/americans/etc... however it's not. So I don't know your point. There's deemed to be found everything. Either way for this picture they're saying it's a black white muslim couple, usually they call it black arab so..
Why you bumped it, attention whore?

can you stop bullying our brothers and sister ok?
alhamdulillah this wedding is beautiful

Don't deny reality, Islam is not racist and the colours will unite under one religion, inshallah

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MashAllah. I'm happy to see a nice Muslim couple.

Who cares about the race. We are all equal in Islam.

Hmm well most muslims have this xenophobe regarding mixing culture actually, why you think all of m are inbred? Funny thing is these beurettes you're posting rarely marry a black (thus breed) and the overwhelming majority don't like black guys. All mena flags except those who are ISIS tier and have high standards and consider showing wrist prostitution say they wish their women were whores and that you whites are coping that your women are whores.

Also, even if you look at mena porn you'll see how bad they are at sex and how fucking awkward they are at it. It's almost as if they don't have a lot of experience?! It's also irl, having sex with the average mena girl is deemed to be bad.

Racism is NOT Islamic, Muhammad himself (SAW) was a prophet to all men. Muslim women are free to marry any colour of man so long as he is muslim.

Attached: Arab women (3).jpg (403x604, 124K)

Are you retarded? If muslims were indeed following islam then they wouldn't be as retarded. Arabs (and the rest) are racist as fuck.

in time, they will see the error of their ways. Inshallah

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Nobody wants to marry a black guy because all your family and friends will think that you are just a loser that couldn't find any better

It applies to men and women

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh

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They're not wanted. No good looking white guy wanted to date Kim K. There was this whiteish mulatto creature who married her for a few weeks and he is ugly as fuck.