Rate my dinner

rate my dinner

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did you just get out of mexican prison?

I'm so hungry

r dem fresh

9/10 only thing missing is that dab of cheese on the beans

Rate mine...

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Looks fine

soft tacos are better than hard shell

why do americans always seem to eat take away? is it too expensive to cook at home or is it just convenience of cheap meals from fast food places, diners, restaurants etc?

abysmal, should have gone for chinese

Beans and rice look like crap but the rest looks good. In dire need of salsa though.


your Swede is showing


looks good

Fat fuck beaner

But really who the fuck eats tacos with arroz and frijoles?


shitty maseca tortilla and that rice and beans don't look alrite + rice and refried beans don't fit that well with tacos if you ask me, also no salsa?

Yes? Pretty much every famous chef is a man. Besides it easy and cheap for the most part. At least in Sweden.

I would ditch the sides and (possibly) get more tacos. Did you get the little green & red salsas, or do you have your own?

Wait do you not? Mexican rice as a side with tacos is delicious

Just no

the fuck is that brown mashed thing? and is that meat liver?

its refried beans. I've never seen rice and refried beans with tacos served together. Everthing on that plate looks weak af.

it's weird to see tacos with rice man, idk
tacos are street food, pretty much it's just the tacos
shitty refried beans

What do you eat your rice with then?

Refried beans

I've never seen that here sorry we eat beans this way, maybe with rice too but not mashed

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>I am an Hispanic intellectual
>I take classes at riverside community college in political science
>I dream of going to Japan one day

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It’s a Mexican/texmex thing

Honestly Mexican food is probably the best in the world next to Japanese and Indian

I prefer Italian food

normal food that is not street food? idk, with meat?

This, only a nigger would eat rice and beans with tacos.
I only eat my tacos with diced onion and radish.

>diced onion and radish
now THAT is patrician taste

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too few tacos

a man should eat a minimum of 15

nah, that's being straight up obese

>At least in Sweden.
Love your swedish tacos.

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I don't cook either user.

>0g of trans fat
Needs more degeneracy, Conchita

t. sissy

Just go buy some food lmfao
>bud light

That picture looks like a school lunch

nope, just the way you guys do tacos from what I have been told. Dedicate an entire day to them and that is the end result.

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edible. pack them better next time on the drive home.

asqueroso, me da ganas de vomitar